Sam Valadi/flickr
We bid adieu to the last legitimate argument Trump supporters had left. Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average made a 1,175-point drop, the worst single-day drop since it’s establishment in 1896. Even though most presidents increase the stock market upon election, this can be correlated to a usual decline during the election period.
During a Monday speech, Trump spoke of positive economic news while the stock market plummeted. Trump called Democrats and others “un-American” and “treasonous” when they refused to applaud for him at the State of the Union address, while Republicans were “going crazy wild” over his spectacular and fantastic news. That won’t be covered by the fake news. Sad!
After the speech, Trump did not take any questions about the stock market. When arriving in Washington, he was greeted with many questions pertaining to the plummet of the Dow; he chose to ignore all of them. Trump has been defeated in his only accomplishment, and he has nothing left.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders insisted the tax cuts imposed by Trump, among other things, would stimulate economic growth. Though, in theory, tax cuts may stimulate economic growth, the incentives he cut has made these tax cuts virtually useless for the middle and working classes.
Small businesses will also suffer from the wide array of tax write-offs that have been taken away. The top 1 percent and large multinational corporations will be the only ones who would receive any benefits from these cuts.
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The drop the Dow sustained on Monday has effectively erased any economic growth that happened since Trump took office. Many conservatives continued to rally behind Trump through the sexual assault allegations, despite being Christians. They are standing behind him in the Russia Investigation because they do not like Hillary.
They even stood behind him when Nazis where marching in the streets because there were bad men “on both sides.” For Trump, the success of the stock market may have been the only tangible good to come of his presidency (though there is no direct correlation of the two), and it has disappeared.
What is left for Donald Trump? His only success has been thwarted; he is left for what he truly is, a man, which is not necessarily a pretty picture. He is like that rich kid in elementary school that no one liked: a selfish narcissist that you never felt bad for because he got everything he wanted and rode home in a Mercedes.
Now the Mercedes has been taken away, and as a person, it seems now we can only take pity on him. Trump is merely a shell awaiting his inevitable fate.
Let him run his mouth, America; stop being overly sensitive of what this child says. What happened to “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? Why can’t we realize, when it comes down to it, we are better than this man?
Keep him in check, don’t let his crimes go unpunished or let him start World War III, but if he says hurtful things, don’t pay attention to him anymore. His only power is the attention you give him.
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