Photo courtesy of Shun-Ling Chen
The James E. Rogers College of Law welcomed the first two visiting assistant professors to be added to its faculty through its new program last month.
Jason Kreag and Shun-Ling Chen were selected to be the first participants in the visiting assistant professors program for the College of Law. The program brings two individuals early in their professional careers to the UA to work as assistant professors for two years, where they will teach one class per semester and work on research and legal scholarships.
“More than 70 percent of faculty that are hired into a tenure track position at U.S. law schools now come through these visiting assistant professorships,” said Marc Miller, dean of the College of Law. “We saw it as a way to reach out to some of the really strong young scholars and teachers of the country and bring them into the law school.”
Kreag, who is teaching upper division criminal law this fall and upper division criminal procedures in the spring, received his education from several universities, beginning with his bachelors degree at DePauw University, his masters degree at Indiana University — Indianapolis and his juris doctorate at Harvard Law.
Kreag’s professional career includes work as a law clerk in New York and as a litigation associate in Atlanta, Ga.
“I’m just starting my academic career Kreag said, “and I’m overly excited that U of A started this program to help people like me get some initial training, focus on our scholarship and hopefully take the next step to full-time positions.”
Chen has an international education background, as she graduated with her bachelor of laws and master of laws at the National Taiwan University College of Law. Chen went on to receive degrees from Harvard University and Harvard Law School.
Chen’s professional career includes editing for and contributing to publications for various organizations and international work experience.
As part of the program, assistant professors do research in a specific field and create and publish written works. Kreag’s research includes working in criminal law, his specialty, concentrating on how and when defendants should get access to the DNA database. Chen’s research will include publishing articles revised from her doctoral dissertation on joint authorship in copyright law.
“Both have been doing a fantastic job and are fully a part of the community,” Miller said. “While it is ultimately a decision for the faculty, I think it’s very likely we will continue with the VAP program because everything thus far has reaffirmed the decision to do so in the first place.”
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