Ernie Somoza
Tim Glass / Arizona Daily Wildcat Gabriel Giffords and her supporters flood the stage at the Marriott Hotel Tuesday evening where the Democratic results party was held.
Midterm election results were still unknown for Reps. Gabrielle Giffords and Raúl Grijalva by press time last night.
Giffords represents Congressional District 8, and Raúl Grijalva represents Congressional District 7.
A crowd of Democrats gathered in the ballroom of the Mariott hotel, at 880 E. Second St., awaiting results
People flaunted stickers and signs supporting the candidates and were proud to vote blue.
Ernie Freuler said he believes democratic is the way to go, “”I believe that Democrats are more in touch with the human side of the nation.””
He said that people have to believe that corporations cannot run and rule people.
Freuler is working part time now, because his company was shut down.
Another supporter Sarah Anand, a junior majoring in political science and economics, was handing out stickers in support of Giffords. She had interned with her this past summer and said that she worked in her office and was able to spread awareness about her campaign.
“”The fact that she’s a female politician is really inspiring,”” Anand said. “”I really believe in her and I believe she has Arizona’s best interest.””
She said that she feels students do not recognize the importance of these elections and focus more on the presidential elections, which is unfortunate.
In a brief speech while awaiting the results Giffords stood on stage and thanked everyone for their support and said, “” While other politicians bring a crowd, we have built a community.””
She added that she ran a race to be proud of and her campaign was a model for the rest of the country.
Rodney Glassman, running for senator seat against to Sen. John McCain and people in the crowd were displeased with the results.
“”I don’t feel I am going to be represented well,”” said Jeff Mendelsohn who worked on Glassman’s campaign.
He said a few days a week he would make about 75 to 100 phone calls in support of Glassman, who fell to McCain.
“”It was about running a positive campaign focused on jobs, education and the future of Arizona,”” Glassman said. “”That’s what we said we were going to do, that’s what we were able to do and we are proud of it; we are proud of the campaign and we are hoping to move forward.””
Check DailyWildcat.com for updated election coverage.