Student Affairs & Enrollment Management / Academic Initiatives & Student Success
Freshman at the 2017 Bigger Better Bash with Wilbur Wildcat.
Dear freshman me,
High school is a thing of the past. College is a whole new journey filled with new people, new places and new adventures. Here’s how to really survive. Back to the bottom of the totem pole we go …
Although I’m only a sophomore, there are things I wish I knew going into freshman year of college, so I’m here to share my knowledge.
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First, you came to college for school, so go to class. School should be the first priority. It seems overwhelming with new friends, no parental supervision and endless activities, but, business first, party second. Sure, the fear of missing out might be real, but what’s more real is losing your scholarship because you “didn’t feel like going to class.” You are here for four years. The parties can wait.
With that being said, take advantage of being off on your own. Go on spontaneous trips with your friends, stay out later than midnight and eat Ramen noodles for every meal for a week. College is only four years, and then you get into the real stuff. Do things that you normally wouldn’t say yes to, even though there is a chance it may not work out.
Next, GET INVOLVED, GET INVOLVED, GET INVOLVED. There are so many opportunities to participate on campus. Take them as they come and join a club or Greek Life. This way you can meet all different types of friends and have connections all over campus. And, you know what they say … Connections! Connections! Connections!
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Last, being homesick is normal. Homesickness hits everybody at different times and for different reasons. Being 2,289 miles away from the house you grew up in and the place you know like the back of your hand is hard. Slowly but surely, Tucson will become home, and you will dread going back home on breaks. That’s when you know you’ve chosen the right school.
Love always,
Older and wiser sophomore me
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