Lexi Horsey
The University of Arizona Police Department on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019, in Tucson.
On Saturday, Aug. 29, at 8 a.m., the University of Arizona Police Department received and responded to a report of a stabbing at the Student Union Memorial Center. Officers quickly arrived on scene and located the victim, who had a minor abdominal laceration and was transferred to Banner University Medical Center — Tucson, where they were treated and released the same day.
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At the time, it was reported in a UAlert and press release from UAPD per information from the victim that there had been two suspects that assaulted the SUMC employee with a pocketknife upon finding and confronting the suspects. Their descriptions were released in both the UAlert and press release.
On Thursday, Sept. 24, an email notice from UAPD was sent identifying the aggravated assault, or stabbing, case as closed as a false report.
According to UAPD’s public information officer Jesus Aguilar, UAPD detectives continued the investigation by conducting interviews with the victim and other employees, as well as collecting evidence such as latent prints, DNA, video surveillance and building entry logs. These were all reviewed thoroughly.
During the investigation, inconsistencies in facts reported by the victim continued to surface, which caused the victim to ultimately admit they had provided false information regarding multiple aspects of the investigation. One of these facts was the reported pocketknife, in fact, belonged to the victim themselves.
They were cited and released for false reporting to law enforcement. Due to the admission of false reporting and inconsistencies in reported facts and identified evidence, the case was closed.
“UAPD takes all reports of criminal activity seriously and strives to conduct thorough and complete investigations,” Aguilar said in an email regarding the case.
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