Akuppa John Wigham (CC BY 2.0)
The North Sea Coastline at Holy Island in Northumberland, England. Currently dulse is sold as a nutritional supplement and in the future may be grown, fried and sold around the world.
Do you like bacon, but hate the guilt that comes with eating it? If so, scientists at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center may have discovered the solution: seaweed that tastes like bacon.
The seaweed belongs to the red marine algae family. It is called dulse, and is quickly grabbing people’s attention because when it is fried, it has a strong bacon flavor, according to Time.
This is especially exciting, considering dulse has twice the nutritional value of kale and tastes great too, according to the OSU news release.
Dulse grows in the wild along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. There are currently no commercial farms for dulse, but, according to Time, scientists see this as a potential up-and-coming industry in Oregon.
Seaweed is often enjoyed as a snack among health-food enthusiasts. In fact, this type of seaweed is already on the market as a health food supplement. With the success of kale chips, which promise a healthier salty snack, there is a growing marketplace for superfood snacks such as dulse. According to the OSU news release, scientists believe that this discovery has potential to be especially appealing in the vegan marketplace.
Traditionally, dulse was harvested and dried, but with this discovery, there is the opportunity to open up a market for fresh dulse that can be harvested, fried and sold. There are also vast potentials to use dulse as a flavor additive in foods, according to the OSU news release.
With any luck, soon the bacon lover in all of us will be satisfied thanks to fried dulse.
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