Timothy Galaz
Timothy Galaz / Arizona Daily Wildcat Students get Flu Shots in front of the Chalk drawings in the ILC and around campus express student's feelings.
The Dean of Students Office will no longer pursue cases pertaining to chalking on campus, said Johnny Cruz, a spokesperson for University Communications.
Two UA students had been detained for using sidewalk chalk in the past two weeks. Associate Dean Veda Kowalski called Evan Lisull, political science senior, author of Desertlamp.com and former Daily Wildcat columnist, on Monday to tell him the Dean of Students Office has decided his case does not violate the Student Code of Conduct policy observed by the university, Lisull said.
The University of Arizona Police Department detained Lisull on Sept. 28 on charges of committing one count of a class one misdemeanor of criminal damage, according to police records.
Lisull had been writing with chalk in support of graduate student Jacob Miller, who was arrested after writing with chalk outside of the Administration building on Sept. 24.UAPD dropped criminal charges against the students last week, at the request of President Robert Shelton.
Lisull has a meeting with the Dean of Students Office on Wednesday to discuss the chalking incident as a whole, he said.
Unlike Lisull, Miller said he has not received a call from the Dean of Students Office concerning whether his case will also be dropped.
Miller has a meeting with the office this Thursday, but said he does not know what the exact subject of the meeting will be.
Cruz could not confirm whether or not Miller’s individual case had also been dropped because of the UA and Dean of Students Office’s privacy policy, but did say that the university is not currently investigating any chalking cases.
Miller had been concerned with the possibility that the dean of students may make a distinction between the two cases and keep pursuing his case, he said.””I’m not sure what to take from that,”” Miller said.
UAPD has said that there is a legal difference between chalking on acceptable horizontal surfaces, such as sidewalks, and chalking on vertical UA property, such as buildings.””That doesn’t concern me, because I didn’t chalk on any walls,”” Miller said. “”(The dean) can’t prove that, because I didn’t do it.””