Jasmine Ma
Want an inside look at the University of Arizona's student government? Read the Daily Wildcat's Associated Students of the University of Arizona notebooks, which recap the ASUA Senate's weekly meetings.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona senate met on Wednesday, March 1 to address funding requests and discuss other items of business.
Campus Sustainable Fund Committee
The senate heard from the Campus Sustainable Fund Committee, which is in charge of allocating funds collected by the Sustainability Fee. The Committee disperses between $400,000 and $550,000 annually to students, faculty and staff working on sustainability-focused projects.
The CSF offers mini-grants ranging between $250 and $5,000 for small-scale initiatives to be completed during the fiscal year and annual grants of between $5,001 and $100,000 for large-scale initiatives that take one to three years to complete.
More information on CSF grants can be found at sustainability.arizona.edu.
Accessibility Accommodations Resolution
The Accessibility Accommodations Resolution, which would require ASUA programs and services to provide accessibility accommodations at all events, was tabled for the fifth meeting in a row.
Administrative Vice President Lauryn White said that more conversations need to be had before moving forward with the resolution, including with ASUA’s associate director Talia Myrick, a professional staff member who oversees ASUA through each class of senators and executives.
“After these conversations, we’ve decided that the best way forward is to sit down and have a conversation with [Myrick] as well as leaders at the DCC… to talk about how ASUA can strengthen our relationship with them as well as ensure true inclusivity is at the forefront of our efforts,” White said.
White reached out to the Disability Cultural Center Director Naty Rico to have a meeting with herself and Myrick after spring break and discuss solutions to accessibility at ASUA events.
Senate funding requests
College of Science Senator Carly Snell noted that the senate has about $4,000 left for senate funding requests. This fund is separate from the Appropriations Board and is allocated at the senate’s discretion to clubs and other organizations who request it.
The senate denied a $4,619.50 funding proposal from ClariCats, a non-ASUA-affiliated club for clarinet enthusiasts. The money would have been used to cover the cost for members to attend ClarinetFest 2023 in Denver, Colorado.
The UA chapter of The Women’s Network requested funds to help pay for the cost of its upcoming networking gala. The purpose of the event is “to connect those who identify as women and non-binary people to networking opportunities amongst the UA community to further support a welcoming environment that celebrates ambition, diversity and leadership,” according to the funding proposal.
The UA chapter of TWN was founded in 2021 and received ASUA recognition for the first time in August 2022. Funds from the senate would be used to pay for beverages, hors d’oeuvres and table linens.
The networking gala will be held on March 31st from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Bear Down Gym. The event will feature a speaker panel, networking discussion tables and opportunities to connect with several clubs and organizations.
The senate tabled the funding request for consideration at its next meeting on March 15. It will meet at 6 p.m. in the Pima room of the Student Union Memorial Center.
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