Simon Asher
A gallery-goer decorates a shirt to hang for the Clothesline Project installation at the Galleria at the YW, Jan. 6. Shirts are decorated to represent instances of sexual and domestic violence in the decorator's life.
Tucson is known for a wide variety of reasons: its college basketball, its hiking trails and its great weather and now more than ever women’s progression.
“I consider Tucson to be a liberal town, and liberals are usually going to identify as feminists so I think everyone I know is a feminist,” Valerie Galloway, YWCA curator, said. “Basically as I say, it is very simple: feminism is the equality between men and women.”
There are areas in which Tucson can improve the safety, healthy and overall equality for women.
“I feel like Tucson is great as far as recognizing the women in the community but I feel there are some areas it could improve,” artist Jessica Kranz said. “With domestic violence, sexual abuse and mental health, I think there is a lot of stigma going on, and women are not given the credit they deserve.”
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Events like the opening reception for the exhibit “Being Feminist: What Feminism Means to Me” on Jan. 6 at the YWCA help bring the Tucson community together in the hopes of helping women achieve equality. This event showcased paintings from local artists to address issues that women face.
Galloway said events like these are great responses to the negativity that occurred after the 2016 presidential election results.
“I wanted to do this exhibition as a response to the angry and misogynistic rhetoric that was occurring during the election,” Galloway said. “To me this is a time to talk about feminism again, so I wanted to do an exhibition celebrating that with women in the community.”
Kranz donated art to the YWCA’s showing and said she believes that both men and art can help women progress.
“Asking questions, and being mindful of actions are a few ways men can help women,” Kranz said. “It is important to remind to women that we are worthy of space and being heard and we can make change with art.”
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Other women chimed on in how they feel men can assist women.
“I think men can help by standing up for women when someone makes derogatory remarks along with supporting movements toward equal wages,” UA graduate Jenna Radomski said.
Some believe that feminism is practiced in theory, but people still don’t consider themselves feminists.
“I think feminism is everywhere and that people understand and support it but do not practice,” Aditya Jalihal, UA senior and economics major, said. “ I think men need to speak out and be more vocal and accepting of those that are vocal.”
While Jalihal said he feels people should vocalize their issues more, he said he also feels like it’s a double-edged sword.
“If you actually act out in favor of your beliefs towards equality, you are seen as an extremist.” Jalihal said.
Galloway said there are numerous ways to help women.
“Communication, education, attending events to raise awareness are places to start,” Galloway said. “It is important for there to be equality for everyone and so you have to be vigilant and it’s about human rights.”