Arizona track athletes Harrison Ivie (left) and Pau Tonnesen (right) laugh together during the Jim Click Shootout Multis at Roy P. Drachman Stadium on April 10. The Wildcats head to the big apple to compete the weekend of Feb. 5.
The UA men’s and women’s track and field teams traveled to New Yorkto compete in the New York Armory Collegiate Invitational.
The Invitational consists of collegiate and high school competition. There will also be competition in the open, junior and developmental divisions.
The meet will be the fourth competition on the season for the Track Cats.
Thus far they have had a very successful season, with strong performances from many of the athletes as they have set new personal records in their events.
The Wildcats will have to continue this success against some high-caliber competition, consisting of schools such as Ohio State, University of Miami, Duke, Syracuse,Wisconsin and many others.
So far this season, athletes such as Pau Tonessen, Aaron Castle, Amarissa Hawker, Alyssa Thompson, Traci Hicks and Collins Kibet have competed very well for the Track Cats.
While not all of these athletes will participate in this meet, many of them are competing and will look to finish with high marks for the Wildcats.
Thompson and Hicks will be running in the women 60-meter hurdles event.
There are multiple Wildcats running in the women’s 400-meter dash. Competing for Arizona in this event are Nneya Hailey, Tatum Waggoner, Gia Trevisan, Jasper Gray and Morgan Struble.
The runners are seeded in the order listed based off of placement times.
The Arizona women’s 4×400 “A” and “B” teams will be competing. The A team typically consists of Hailey, Waggoner, Travison and Gray. The B team this season has consisted of Struble, Thompson, Elizabeth Smith and Katelin Warren.
For the men’s side, Blake Eichler will be running in the men’s 200-meter dash.
Eichler will also be competing in the men’s 400-meter dash alongside Bryce Houston and Michael Demby.
Bailey Roth will be running in the men’s 3,000-meter run for the Wildcats.
The meet began Feb. 5 at noon and the action goes until 10 p.m. On Saturday, the action will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 6 p.m.
Arizona will look to continue its success, leaning on this year’s seasoned athletes along with those who have not seen as much competition time so far this season.
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