ASUA Executive Vice President David Reece and Sen. Shawn Ingram listen in at yesterday's Associated Students of the University of Arizona Senate meeting in the Student Union Memorial Center.
Transgender Awareness Week will take place from Nov. 12 – through 20 and will feature events on campus and around the city, said ASUA officials at last night’s senate meeting.
Jessica K. Pettitt, coordinator of social justice programs, said one of the major events of Transgender Awareness Week will be the Free-Expression Walk on Nov. 18.
The walk will be composed of teenagers, and Pettitt said they will be excited to see the university community come out to support them.
The week is put on by the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership and Wingspan’s Southern Arizona Gender Alliance.
Pettitt said she wants as many groups as possible to attend the events because it is important for the transgender community to have support.
“”We have come up with extensive training programs and events,”” Pettitt said.
There will be a bone marrow registration on the UA Mall at 10 a.m. today because of a need for donors in the community.
Registration for minorities is free because of the great need for minority bone marrow. Caucasians must pay a $52 fee.
Sen. Bryan Hill said he has been working on an initiative regarding the possibility of an off-campus meal plan.
Hill said he has been speaking with Marshall Foundation director Jane McCollum about the possibility in the future.
ASUA senators will be building their homecoming float for Nov. 11’s parade in the parking lot of the College of Agriculture’s “”Aggie House,”” 819 N. Euclid Ave.
Members of Aggie House gave ASUA approval to use the space.