Don’t break the bank Thursdays. Bring in your Gallagher Theater ticket stub for that day and get 25 percent off your pool, table tennis, poker or chess rental at the SUMC Games Room
Poker tournament. 6 p.m. $5. Park Student Union, Coati Room
UA Annual Study Abroad Fair. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. UA Mall
Pizza with a Professional. Come and eat pizza and hear from professionals and members of the university community about careers in forensics. Please R.S.V.P. by calling 621-7763. Noon. Student Union Memorial Center, Rincon Room
Discussion. Ray Krone served on death row in Arizona and was exonerated of his crime with the use of DNA evidence. The case and his story has filled the news. Krone will speak about his experience as part of the Law, Criminal Justice and Security Program/Criminal Law Association Speaker Series. 12:15 p.m. James E. Rogers College of Law, Room 146
Graduate Writing Workshop. Victoria Stefani of the Writing Skills Improvement Program will discuss “”Becoming a Trail Guide: Building the Literature Review.”” This lecture held every Wednesday is part of a free series of workshops. 4 p.m. Psychology building, Room 205
Photography Lecture. “”What is Life and How can We Look for It?”” by Nick Woolf, UA Department of Astronomy. 7 p.m. Center for Creative Photography, Room 108
Discussion. Feeling stressed? Anxious? Stigmatized? Worried? Talk about it! This discussion group is facilitated by trained students and is for students who want to discuss mental health issues. The discussion group is hosted by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill at the UA. 6 p.m. SUMC, San Pedro Room