Rebecca Noble
ASUA Sen. Stefan Schmietenknop listens during an ASUA meeting in the Student Union Memorial Center on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016.
Associated Students of the University of Arizona Senators were treated to a tour of Arizona Stadium and the Lowell-Stevens football facility with Greg Byrne, vice president and director of athletics, before getting down to business at their Sept. 14 meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 5:48 p.m. in the Lohse room of McKale Center.
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The senators unanimously voted to fund new senate tables for their office.
Samantha Roberts, a representative from the University Emergency Medical Services presented new business. There was a financial request for the senate to fund UEMS students to work during the winter. Both the University of Arizona Police Department and Tucson Fire Department have requested for UEMS to stay and help during the weeks in between semesters.
Senator Enrico Trevisani proposed a new structure for ASUA standing committees. The plan would include an internal affairs committee, budget oversight committee and a senate projects committee that would have five sub committees. The item was tabled to move to next week.
Reports were given from committees, senators and the representative from the administrative vice president before the meeting adjourned.
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