Lisa Beth Earle
Lisa Beth Earle / Arizona Daily Wildcat Sigma Chi fraternity members Daniel Tellez, an engineering freshman, and Collin MacCabe, a psychology freshman, carefully slather shaving cream on balloons to prepare them for a balloon shaving contest. The contest was one of many that various sorority members competed in during Derby Days.
Sorority members were put to the test during a field day event on the UA Mall on Thursday.
Derby Days, a philanthropy event hosted by fraternity Sigma Chi, will benefit the Diamond Children’s Medical Center, part of the University Medical Center.
Sororities compete to raise the most money by putting on various events throughout the week.
Derby Days is Sigma Chi’s first big philanthropy. They are partnering with 11 campus sororities and hope to raise a combined $10,000.
Participating sororities tried to capture the Derby flag, ran through a Derby obstacle course and competed in an egg walk.
Coaches, members of Sigma Chi, also had to compete in a “”Fear Factor”” competition as part of the field day. They ate pickles, pig ears, hot sauce, pig skin and beef liver, according to John Bethune, an undeclared freshman and Sigma Chi member.All week, sororities have had jugs on the Mall to collect spare change for the penny wars and have been stealing hats from Sigma Chi members for points in the Derby Hunt.Stephanie Beneze, a retailing and consumer sciences sophomore and sorority member, said she thought participation had been great, especially since it is Sigma Chi’s first big event.Business administration senior and Sigma Chi member Jason Flam agreed: “”A lot of people have been donating,”” he said. “”We’ve been getting a lot of support.””Many students said it was great to have fun while raising money.Jelani Reynolds, a pre-business freshman and Sigma Chi member, said he thought it was important for everyone to remember the purpose of the event.””Yeah, it’s fun to do all the events, but the main point is it’s going to the children,”” Beneze said. “”And it gets Greek Life out there.””Beneze said she has enjoyed the events and remarked that the competition between sororities has been friendly.Tara Thovson, a pre-public health sophomore and sorority member, said she was surprised at the amount of support they‘ve seen from people who are not affiliated with Greek Life.Other events for Derby Day included Sign a Sig on Tuesday and Derby Darling Skit Night on Wednesday.For Sign a Sig, Sigma Chi members wore white shirts with ∑X on them, and sorority women found them and signed their name on the shirts to receive points for their sorority.Derby Darling Skit Night, featuring skits created and judged by children from Diamond Children’s Medical Center, was put on by the sororities.””The purpose of this event is to build team unity between coaches and participants and compete for the coveted title of Derby Darlings,”” said Michael Colletti, Sigma Chi’s recruitment chair.Sigma Chi will host a volleyball tournament today at the Student Recreation Center, which will be followed by closing ceremonies and a benefit concert.””It has become very near and dear to our hearts, and we are trying to make the event as successful as possible to ensure it remains a lasting legacy at the UA, generating money for decades to come for the Diamond Children’s Medical Center,”” Colletti said.According to Colletti, the winning sorority will receive a trophy, a team picture, a letter to their national chapters and a date dash with Sigma Chi.