So we are obviously here at the student council office. What is your position at the UA student council?
Well, we are actually the student government.
Oh, my bad!
It’s okay! A lot of people think that we are the student council like in high school but I am the administrative vice president of ASUA, which is the Associated Students of the University of Arizona. So I look over programs and services; we house everything from LGBTQ advising, Women’s Resource Center, Freshman Class Council, Bear Down Camp, community development, Safe Ride, Spring Fling, and also I have a chief of staff to help me out.
Dang, that’s a workload!
It’s manageable, I’m a junior this year, so I really have gotten to learn all the inner workings of everything.
OK, so for those of us that aren’t in charge of every campus event, what is the best part about your position?
I guess the best part about it is really touching the students because we are the main outlet of really reaching out to students.
What do you do for fun?
For fun, I am actually a part of the Chain Gang Junior Honorary. We get 50-yard line seats to all the football games, which is a lot of fun.
That is definitely a reason that I would consider joining. You guys are the ones that wear those rugby polos on the field, right?
Yes! Number 18 right here. I’m also a part of Arizona Ambassadors but mostly hanging out with people from ASUA. We are one big happy family here.
So let’s say you found a 100 dollar bill on the floor.What are you going to do with it?
I would ask around if someone dropped it.
Yeah right, Mr. Vice President.
I’m serious! I lose my money all the time because I am so spacey. So when I find other money, I always ask around because I lost 40 bucks one time so I would feel for that person. I’m not going to go spend it, that’s horrible.
Okay, let’s re-phrase the question here.You found a pot of gold and it said “”BRETT”” on it and it was 100 dollars worth of gold. What would you do?
I would spend it towards back to school shopping because I need to get a ton of binders and stuff.
Isn’t that what your Bursar’s account is for?
Ha, my parents would kill me if I used my Bursar’s account. I used it up way too much freshmen year so I can only use it for strictly books.
Last question, football or basketball, what’s your preference?
Football all the way. I mean, love the basketball team, but football boys are for me.