(Illustration by Pascal Albright)
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona, the university’s student governing body, discussed two newly proposed resolutions as well as voted on the updated elections code introduced last week during their meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 10.
New Elections Codes Pass
The updated elections code introduced and discussed what last week’s meeting was voted on. The new code provides more flexibility with the elections process in regards to safety and university procedures in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Senate unanimously passed the updated elections code.
Election packets will be available on Monday, Feb. 15, for interested potential candidates, elections will take place in mid-March.
RELATED: University status update: Phase 2 anticipated to start at the end of February
New Resolutions Are Introduced
Two resolutions were introduced at tonight’s meeting by Senator At-Large Lady Elli, written by her and Senator Jack Haskins of the College of Fine Arts, for the Senate to look over before voting will take place next week. Both resolutions center around expectations of ASUA recognized clubs.
The first resolution is proposed as “a resolution to restructure clubs through modifications in general meetings.” The resolution states that “in its role and responsibility to engage the student body as well as positively change the culture of campus, it is imperative for the Associated Students of the University of Arizona to restructure club meetings and events.”
The basis of the resolution works to recognize the UA’s land acknowledgement statement in all ASUA recognized clubs by modifying all constitutions to include the land acknowledgment and recite it at all club meetings, while also allowing for discussion about the importance of the land acknowledgment within the clubs.
ASUA has been reciting the land acknowledgment at the beginning of their meetings since the start of the 2020-21 session.
The second resolution is proposed as “a resolution to restructure clubs through modifications in the clubs’ Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy.”
It states that “the University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy was created to prohibit discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity and genetic information … ASUA must establish its firm support for the University’s Policy by restructuring the club culture.”
The resolution will require all executive board members to take the ASUA student organization leader training with the nondiscrimination and anti-harassment modules which will also have to be stated in the clubs’ constitutions. It also will require that the club organizes one nondiscrimination and anti-harassment training which must be done annually by a UA officially recognized organization.
Along with this, it asks clubs to promote educating members through resources, social media and general meetings while maintaining a club culture with respect for all people.
The Senators continue to work on diversity, equity and inclusion in their colleges and will update as this continues, including on their social media.
The open house is still scheduled for the end of February, tentatively on Wednesday afternoon of Feb. 24, assuming all parties involved can confirm this date. The open house will be virtual and focus on admissions and advising.
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