Editor’s note: This article was produced as part of the Daily Wildcat‘s 2018 Campus Guide — the perfect resource for any incoming Wildcat. Whether you’re trying to find important dates, looking for a club to join or are interested in UA history and traditions, we’ll be there to help you get through your first semester. Welcome to the University of Arizona!
From libraries and tutoring to financial aid help and places to eat, here are thirteen addresses you might want to add to your map:
Campus Health
Location: 1224 E. Lowell St.

This building holds many different offices, from Women’s Health to Sports Medicine and Travel Immunizations. Campus Health can run labs, do x-rays, prescribe medications and provide mental health counseling. Here, you can get tested for STDs and STIs, as well as buy over-the-counter items, everything from condoms to allergy medicine.
Services can be paid for up front, through insurance or via bursar. If you do decide to charge to your bursar, the charge will simply be labeled as a Campus Health charge – for privacy, it won’t specify what you had done.
Campus Recreation Center
Location: 1400 E. 6th St.
The Campus Recreation Center has it all: a pool, weights, treadmills, ping-pong tables, tennis rooms, basketball gymnasiums, a Think Tank, an OSCR lab, Outdoor Adventures (where you can rent outdoor gear), a bouldering wall, outdoor volleyball courts and programs that range from krav maga to ballroom dance.
During the semester, the gym is open Monday-Friday 6 a.m. to midnight and Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m to 10 p.m. The pool closes two hours before the rest of the gym.
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Think Tank
Locations: Bear Down Gymnasium 1428 E. University Blvd./Park Student Union 615 N. Park Ave./Student Recreation Center 1400 E. 6th St./Manzinita-Mohave Hall 1010 N. Park Ave.

Think Tank is a tutoring service that can help students with everything, from math to foreign languages. There is both free, drop-in tutoring avaliable, as well as private tutorings sessions that cost $35 each.
Student Union Memorial Center
Location: 1303 E. University Blvd.

The Student Union Memorial Center has everything from chain restaurants (think Papa Johns and Chick-Fil-A) to UA specials, like On Deck Deli and Cactus Grill. If you’re hungry and not sure what you want, the SUMC is the place to go.
There are also services like Fast Copy, Gallagher Theater (which plays movies for $3) and a Wells Fargo at the SUMC. Hours of the restaurants vary.
Park Student Union
Location: 615 N. Park Ave.
Park Student Union, while smaller than the SUMC, is ideally located if you live in Arbol de la Vita, Coronado, Arizona Sonora, Kaibab or Huachuca residence halls.
Here, you can find an OSCR lab, Core Plus (where you can design your own stir-frys, omelets and fajitas), La Petite Patisserie (a creperie), Bagel Talk, Denny’s and another On Deck Deli. Hours for the restaurants vary.
The Park Avenue Market is a place to pick up snacks and frozen food, but it can be pricey.
Highland Market
Location: Corner of Sixth and Highland, across from the Rec Center
The only place to eat on campus that’s open 24 hours a day, Highland Market has a full grill dishing up hamburgers, veggie burgers, burritos, breakfast, sandwiches and soup. It also offers some grocery items. You’ll find better prices at nearby grocery stores, but if you need something in a pinch, you can get it at Highland Market.
RELATED: UA traditions & history: Welcome home Wildcats
Main Library
Location: 1510 E. University Blvd.

Open nearly 24/7, the main library has plenty of space to study on your own or in a group. There are computers and printers, and it’s handily located next to a Starbucks.
Of course, it also offers thousands of books as resources, in many languages, and archived newspapers in the form of microfiche. Librarians are on hand to help you. You can also rent cameras and other technology from the library.
Also located at the main library is Special Collections, which is free and open to the public, just like the main library. Special Collections is open Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and houses rare books and unique archival materials.
Science and Engineering Library
Location: 744 N. Highland Ave., near the Main Library
The Science and Engineering Library boasts many computers, collaborative learning spaces, microforms and microfilm and quiet study floors.
Their collections mostly center on life and physical sciences, engineering, technology and military sciences. However, it also includes photography, visual arts, architecture, sculpture, illustration, design, drawing, painting, printing and decorative arts.
Fine Arts Library
Location: Fred Fox School of Music, 1017 N. Olive Rd. Room 233
Hours vary for this library, but here you can also study, rent cameras and other technology and peruse their music collection, which has scores, sheet music and vinyl LPs, as well as their theater collection of plays and films.
Finally, they also have architecture materials to study.
Health Science Library
Location: 1501 N. Campbell Ave., on the Medical Campus
The CatTran runs to this library, which is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Here, you can find more study spots and lots of health related literature. They also have exhibits that change regularly.
University of Arizona Police Department
Location: 1852 E. First St.
The University of Arizona Police Department is the resource to keep campus safe. Officers patrol campus day and night, and there’s also an officer assigned to each residence hall. Each sorority and fraternity is also assigned a UAPD liaison.
The non-emergency number for UAPD is 520-621-8273, but if you have an emergency call 911.
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid
Location: Lobby of the Administration Building, 1401 E. University Blvd.
If you need help organizing your financial aid, have questions about FAFSA or scholarships or if an award is not dispersing the way it should, contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
The office is open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come early, though, or be prepared to wait, as lines can be long.
CatCard Office
Location: Student Union Memorial Center, Business Services Center, Room 142

The CatCard office is the place to go if you need to replace a lost CatCard or if your CatCard is not working right.
The office is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and closed weekends and UA holidays.
The office is located in the same room as a U.S. Mail Office and the Meal Plan Office.