Associated Students of the University of Arizona Sen. Bryan Hill presents a Yoo-hoo beverage at last night's senate meeting. Hill is working on making Icecats hockey games more accessible to students.
There are almost 8,000 students registered with the new wireless network, and the James E. Rogers College of Law network has become so popular that it has reached capacity, Associated Students of the University of Arizona senators announced at their meeting yesterday.
By the end of the week, there will be more than 3,000 access points available. Locations that will soon be added to the network include McClelland Hall as well as the Psychology, Modern Languages and Harvill buildings.
Club Central, the office space available for student clubs on campus, had its first meeting last week. Sen. Steven Gerner said that priorities of Club Central are to increase office space and storage space.
The Wildcat World Fair will take place all day Wednesday, and students who volunteer for the fair will receive a free T-shirt. The Wildcat World Fair is a multicultural celebration on the UA Mall to promote diversity and different ethnicities.
Beginning next week, there will be a suggestion box located in the Student Union Memorial Center near the post office.
ASUA representatives encourage students to utilize the box and drop off suggestions concerning ASUA policies and decisions.
Sen. Bryan Hill said he is working on providing cheaper tickets and transportation for Icecats hockey games.
Hill said he is working with CatTran buses in order to make them available for students who wish to attend Icecats hockey games.