Rebecca Rillos
Rebecca Rillos / Arizona Daily Wildcat Dogs from the Delta Society aid students relieve their stress at the College of Law Library on Monday, Dec. 5, 2011.
Your first college finals are here! You must be scared senseless, but the point is to help you relax, not stress you out even further.
I just want to reiterate all the wonderful programs the UA has for those of you who feel like you’re struggling. Most of you are probably far away from home, and it can be hard to cope without a strong support system. This is why I highly recommend UA’s CAPS, Counseling and Psych Services, if you ever feel you need it. Your mental health is just as important as your grades. Never forget that!
The university also has other de-stressers, like free massages by the Main Library and cute dogs you can pet.
RELATED: This finals season, get an ‘A’ in self-care
Of course, it is important to study, but make sure you study wisely. Don’t re-read your entire textbook! Make a study guide or watch videos online that deal with your course subject. Utilize and maximize your style of learning.
Go to office hours! Your professors love seeing you. If you have any last minute questions or concerns, it is best to just ask. Your professors all know what they are talking about and are more than willing to help.
Make sure you iron out any last questions before you hit the exam room. Quizlet is also a great way to gauge what you may be asked on the exam itself.
I think it is most important to realize how crucial time management is here. Don’t be that person who pulls an all-nighter the day before the exam and either doesn’t wake up in time or can’t focus. Getting a good night’s rest now above all other days will help you achieve the results you want.
RELATED: OPINION: Finals are over – what now?
Getting a B is okay. As are obviously optimal, but a B is fine, too.
Remember the whole point of college, to begin with. At times, you may feel like dropping out. That is totally normal. You came here to better your life and obtain a degree, so just realize finals are an unfortunate part of this journey you are on.
You got this! Don’t let finals scare you. If you can get through 16 weeks of courses, finals are a piece of cake.
Do treat yourself to some cake though. You’ve earned it.
Anika Pasilis is a sophomore studying journalism and Middle Eastern studies. Follow the Daily Wildcat on Twitter.