Sony Pictures Entertainment
Theatrical poster for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Zombies. The term and phenomenon has been thrown around the film industry and has been a popular source for sub-genres in horror, fantasy and comedy films since its earliest days. Examples of its influence can be seen in movies that have transformed the meanings of terror and fright. The film “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” combines elements of comedy and romance while centering its plot on human clashes decorated by a few nonhumans.
It begins with a narration about 19th century England, in which a plague of zombies has infested the country and turned the land into a war zone. It doesn’t take long before the film moves away from the undead and turns its attention to the Bennet sisters. The sisters have grown up to become independent warriors with experiences in martial arts and combat. The film is focused on the issues of romance and marriage on the part of the sisters.
Mr. Bingley attends a dance in the hopes of marrying Jane Bennet. Elizabeth Bennet, on the other hand, is not amused by the lifestyle that comes with marriage. She believes a real man would not ask her to give up her sword for a ring.
First comes love, then comes zombies. Elizabeth catches the eye of Mr. Darcy, a wealthy gentleman who, like Elizabeth, possesses martial arts skills. After leaving a dance, a zombie attacks Elizabeth and Darcy steps in to save her. As the undead begin to infiltrate the dance, the five sisters take it upon themselves to rid the place of zombie infestation and begin the film’s first action sequence.
Throughout the movie, Elizabeth is at a disagreement with the expectations imposed on her and her own will. Unlike her sister Jane, who plans on marrying Bingley, Elizabeth desires more than a life of dependency, much to her mother’s distress. Mrs. Bennet wants her daughters to find suitable husbands. Elizabeth’s situation only becomes worse when Parson Collins, a clergyman who has come to marry one of the Bennets, proposes to Elizabeth and asks that she give up her life as a warrior. Elizabeth declines.
As the film progresses, it becomes clear that Elizabeth is not only a warrior, but also a romantic interest for Darcy and a young soldier named George Wickham, who has a complicated history with Darcy.
Ultimately, this attraction sets the stage for an ensuing conflict between not only the living and the dead, but between Jane and Mr. Bingley, whose marriage plans are altered when Darcy convinces Bingley to leave. Elizabeth’s complicated relationship with Darcy raises issues such as those of trust and the desire to discover the truth.
It is only after Darcy writes an apologetic letter, in which he explains his motives and exposes Wickham, that we discover Elizabeth was blinded by her prejudice against Darcy the whole time. Elizabeth finally sees Wickham for what he really is: a liar and a manipulator who is out for the fortune of others. An ensuing battle occurs between Darcy and Wickham, followed by a climactic scene at the London Bridge which forces Elizabeth to address her true feelings for Darcy.
While the film offers humorous jokes, it has a weak plot, a predictable ending and fails to incorporate more zombies into the story. This ultimately injures the intent imagined by its title.
Rating: C+
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