Simon Asher
Whoops, wrong room
University of Arizona Police Department officers responded to a female wing in the Árbol de la Vida Residence Hall concerning a suspicious man around midnight on Feb. 9.
A female resident told UAPD she was sleeping in her room two nights earlier when the door opened and she heard a male voice ask for someone.
Upon arrival, an officer saw multiple female residents pointing and saying a man just ran down the stairwell. An officer who arrived moments later detained the male.
The male student appeared very confused and responded he was there visiting a woman he knew, fled when he saw a resident assistant and claimed he did not see police.
He told police he and the woman had been exchanging snapchats and spending time together in her room after meeting last week.
It was later discovered that the resident’s room he had trespassed in and the woman he was seeing had the same name.
Police contacted the woman he was seeing who confirmed his story, but she had a test in the morning and didn’t want to see him.
The women who called police were notified of the situation and dropped charges.
However, when police first detained the male they found a bottle of champagne and red Solo cups in his possession.
He told police he brought it over to the female’s room so she could enjoy the wine while he drank water. He was placed under arrest for possession of liquor under 21.
Broken heart, broken phone
A UAPD officer responded to the Colonia de la Paz Residence Hall around 3 a.m. on Feb. 8 in reference to the theft of a cell phone.
A woman told police she was in her room with her boyfriend when she attempted to break up with him.
He became upset and when she asked him to leave he grabbed her cell phone out of her hand and ran out of her room.
Police asked if she wanted to press charges and she said she just wanted her phone back.
Another officer was able to locate the ex-boyfriend’s car where he told an officer that his ex-girlfriend threw his phone on the ground, breaking it.
An officer looked at his phone noted it was severely damaged, but appeared to have been crushed, not thrown or dropped.
Later on an officer went to check on the woman’s welfare and to verify her story.
Upon arrival at her room, the officer did not see any signs of a fight and the room appeared to be in order. She stated she was not injured and did not need medical attention.
Officers asked again if she wanted to pursue criminal charges and after discussing the claims made by the man against her, she responded that she wanted to press charges.
Police issued her a victim’s rights form and noted if contact can be established with her ex-boyfriend, he will be arrested for theft.