From ‘A day of remembrance for forgotten vets’
On behalf of the University of Arizona Student Veterans Association, the 2010 National Student Veteran Organization of the Year: On behalf of the over 1,000 student veterans currently attending the U of A and their families, thank you for this sentiment and beautifully written piece. It goes further than most people will ever know to hear the gratitude expressed.
Matt Randle
Student Director, VETS Office
University of Arizona
From ‘GOP must fall in line or move aside’
Why should the burden of cooperation be on us? The American people chose us, not you. You don’t get to dictate directions anymore.
Kevin Wos
From ‘S.B. 1070 hearing emphasizes legitimacy of law’
It’s refreshing to see an opinion based in reality rather than full of hyperbole and straw men. More students of journalism should take a logic class, they may get their points across better, or even understand better why no one takes them seriously.
Charles Patterson