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The Daily Wildcat

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The Daily Wildcat

The Daily Wildcat



    Graf the wrong choice for Arizona

    I read Daniel Greenberg’s Friday letter to the editor complaining that opponents of Randy Graf are not providing enough rational reasons why Randy Graf is the wrong man to represent Arizona in Congress. Though I am only permitted a limited number of words, I would at least like to summarize, for the benefit of Republican and Democratic voters alike, why electing Graf to Congress would be not only a disaster in itself, but a far inferior alternative to sending Gabrielle Giffords.

    Randy Graf is, frankly, an extremist. His positions are so incompatible with fundamental American values that his own party donated $122,000 in an effort to keep him off of the ballot this November. Ask the nearest political science major how rare that is. Even the retiring Republican Jim Kolbe, who currently occupies the congressional seat, refuses to endorse Graf.

    So who is fond of Randy Graf? The most notable figure so far is Ku Klux Klan founder David Duke. Anyone who checks out Duke’s Web site can see mixed in with the usual anti-Semitism, radical politics and unabashed racism, a plug for Randy Graf.

    I encourage anyone who lives in Congressional District 8 to investigate the candidates side by side. Gabrielle Giffords is a talented Ivy League graduate and Fulbright Scholar with deep roots in Arizona. Her positions reflect careful study and genuine concern for her fellow man and have earned her numerous endorsements (from non-cross-burning sources). Randy Graf is an alumnus of San Diego Golf Academy, who has taken ideological positions that are so frightening that members of his own party refuse to endorse him. So, before voting in this November’s election, I ask that all voters take time to move past partisan affiliation and examine the candidates on an individual basis. Check out their Web sites and Google their names. If you’re Republican, don’t make the mistake of voting for Graf just because his name has an R next to it. We would all benefit by taking the time to evaluate the two candidates who are asking for this extremely important congressional seat. I have, and I’m voting Giffords.

    Paul Metcalf
    economics sophomore

    The problem with illegals

    There is a problem in this country – and in this town specifically –with illegal ambulators, jaywalkers, those who cross the street but not at a crosswalk like decent folk. Such people are a threat to the American way of life. Oh, they say that they are just trying to get to their work or homes, that they are just trying to feed their families, but their lack of respect for the laws of this country shows us that they are not truly with us. It matters not whether they have safely crossed over once, twice or 11 million times – it’s the principle of the thing, you see; they are lawbreakers and should be dealt with appropriately. Our organizations (SSS and BBB) are advocating for a stepped-up police presence combined with the erection of fences along the median. We would also like to see the deportation – back to the other side of the street – of anyone caught crossing illegally. Illegals should be barred from employment and the public dole – we don’t want to create incentives for bad behavior. We oppose amnesty; it is not fair to those who take the time to cross the street at the crosswalk for these illegals to simply have their behaviour excused. We are also opposed to any special treatment or exceptions – thus, the so-called guest-walker program. We need more right-minded people working on this problem, to raise a voice in opposition while we still can. So please contact your representatives and urge them to take action against these degenerates who are mucking up the American dream. Paid for by “”Scaredy-cats for Secure Streets”” and “”Bigots for Beefier Borders.””

    Robert M. Phillips
    mathematics senior

    Prop. 204 deserves a ‘yes’ vote

    I wanted to just take a moment to thank David Francis for such a great opinions piece on Proposition 204, the Humane Treatment of Farm Animals Act. The opposition of this campaign is trying exceptionally hard to misconstrue what Prop. 204 is all about – ending unwarranted cruelty. It is not about the reasons why it is “”necessary”” for it to be this way. What some see as “”necessary”” is outright immoral and wrong, and something needs to be done to bring us away from these practices, even if the animals involved are raised for food. Period.

    The opposition’s No. 1 argument against Prop. 204 seems to be that it is backed by “”extremists,”” claiming it was brought to Arizona by out-of-state animal-rights organizations. Worthy of pointing out is they never seem to mention that they have received countless donations from several out-of-state industry groups, including $240,000 from the National Pork Producers Council in Washington, D.C. The two national organizations backing the campaign have more than 185,000 members in Arizona. In addition, about 1,200 Arizonans were able to get signatures from roughly 219,000 registered Arizona voters to get this initiative on the ballot.

    Finally, it is supported by more than 100 Arizona veterinarians, the Arizona Humane Society, the Republican Lawmakers of Arizona, the National Catholic Rural Life Conference and numerous other businesses, politicians, faith groups and environmental and animal welfare groups. When viewing who supports Prop. 204, clearly this is not a “”conservative vs. liberal”” issue, let alone one supported by “”extremists.”” I have faith that the majority of Arizonans will make the right decision regarding Prop. 204 in November.

    Colleen Dugan
    computer science senior

    Sweeping generalization of football fans unfair

    In response to the Thursday article “”Radiohead not for football game”” by Andi Berlin, I have this to say: I am sadly not in the marching band this year, but even I was appalled and irate upon reading this article. The marching band director did not mean to “”insult”” the music of Radiohead. Nor, most likely, (I of course cannot speak for him) did he mean to educate the supposed unintelligent fans about good music. He picked a song that is exciting to listen to. Because, let’s face it: how many of the average students know how much work and planning it takes to put such an excellent halftime show on? I also had to really take offense at your comment about the IQ of the football fans. You do realize that a good amount of the audience you were referring to in your article are students here at the UA? Some of which we can reasonably presume are majoring in things such as pre-law, pre-medicine, physics or some other major that requires a higher IQ than the average bear. So who exactly were you calling unintelligent in your sweeping generalization?

    I am glad you appreciate good music, but next time please think about what you are saying before you put it in the newspaper where intelligent people can read it.

    Heather Kidd
    molecular and cellular biology freshman

    Single-serve newspaper?

    Have you ever wanted to grab an Arizona Daily Wildcat late in the day and there were just none left? Well, no matter if it ever does, it happens to me all the time. Where do all the newspapers go? Is this single-serve newspaper picked up, read and thrown into the trash before it can satisfy another customer? Before I go on, I guess like all the other letters to the editor (and like literary method teaches) I have to try to establish my credibility. I’m not going to do this by wasting my time trying to make this sound good (I’m not an English major), but I’ll tell you that I’m a doctoral student, and since all doctoral students are smart, that’s all the credibility you need, and all you’ll get from me. Am I a nerd? Of course, I’m getting a doctorate. All doctoral students are nerds, there are just some who don’t know it. Anyway, to get back to my point – and I really don’t have any data to back this up, which doesn’t mean I don’t care, I just don’t have any time, as I’m probably grading 30 of this paper’s readers’ homework – my point being: why can’t the Daily Wildcat do two things? First, provide another newspaper receptacle in which to place newspapers that have been read but still have enough life in them to be read by other people. Second, provide another bin in which to throw newspapers to be recycled, following the UA’s commitment to being environmentally friendly (read Thursday’s story about E85).

    I realize that you will then need fewer newspapers, and this in turn will make your circulation seem smaller than it actually is, and this is a very important statistic among newspapers, but what is more important: your circulation or commitment to your customers and the environment? I would hope it is the latter, and if it is so, I hope to see my comments implemented soon. On another note, thank you for all your hard work in putting this newspaper together and for providing information and entertainment to all of us every day.

    Lorenz Wild
    management graduate student

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