Amy Bailey
Natalynn Masters, a current UA sophomore double majoring in Sociology and law with a minor in Africana studies, was voted to be student body president for the 2018-2019 academic school year.
Editor’s note: This guest letter was produced as part of the Daily Wildcat’s 2018 Campus Guide – the perfect resource for any incoming Wildcat. Whether you’re trying to find important dates, looking for a club to join or are interested in UA history and traditions, we’ll be there to help you get through your first semester. Welcome to the University of Arizona!
Welcome Wildcats!
My name is Natalynn Masters, and I am your student body president. I want to take this time to welcome you to campus and let you know how excited we are to have you join the Wildcat family. College is an exciting journey that will provide you with some of your best memories.
The University of Arizona is a unique place; its rich history and traditions, school spirit, academic excellence and cutting-edge research will make your college experience remarkable. There is something on campus for everyone. We have over 600 different clubs, cultural and resource centers, intramural sports, research opportunities and much, much more!
Despite all of these qualities and opportunities, college can still be a scary leap to take. For many of you, this is your first time away from friends and family. This distance may be down the street, across the country or even across the globe. This is your first time to truly be an independent adult. With this freedom, you also have to begin “adulting.”
You have the ability to make college whatever you want. Waking up at 7 a.m. for class in high school is a thing of the past. You will have the chance to meet students from across the world and even some from the same city as you. College is the perfect place to explore, meet people and grow as an individual. Organizations like student government are here to ensure that you are supported and connected on campus.
Our student government, the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA), is full of programs and services that work to better your student experience. As your ASUA President, I am here to serve you in any way possible. I ran for this position to fight for student issues. It is my job to the give you the platform to share your story. There are three main areas that I am working on this year: diversity, sexual assault and student engagement.
I am working to address diversity concerns on campus. It is crucial that the University of Arizona be a place where every student feels accepted and empowered. We have a community that consists of students who hail from multiple backgrounds that contribute to making the Wildcat Family vibrant. This means working to ensure every member of that family feels safe on campus.
Sexual assault is an issue on all college campuses, and the UA is no different. For the past three years, ASUA has organized the “I Will” campaign. This week-long campaign centers around ending rape culture through promoting consent and raising awareness about sexual assault. Students have the opportunity to take a pledge saying “I Will end rape culture by …” This year, we are planning to make “I Will” week bigger than ever in order to educate students around campus. This is only one of the ways we work to get students engaged.
Student engagement means students can get better connected to ASUA and campus resources. We are a large institution with a lot to offer, but many times it is hard for students to find out about these amazing opportunities. Be sure to follow ASUA on social media @ASUATODAY in order to stay connected.
Again, I welcome you and your loved ones to the University of Arizona. I hope you enjoy Orientation, and I cannot wait to meet each one of you.
Bear Down!
— Natalynn Masters
Associated Students of the University of Arizona
Student Body President