Cars line up on the University Mall east of Cherry with passengers awaiting their COVID-19 vaccination on Friday, Feb. 12.
UA President Dr. Robert C. Robbins has announced that the University of Arizona POD is officially closing on Friday, June 25.
The state Point of Distribution site was active for six months on campus and provided over 242,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to students and members of the Southern Arizona community. Of those who received the vaccine at the POD, 34.7% were between the ages of 16-34, and 30.5% self-identified as Hispanic or Latinx.
While the POD will no longer be operational, other health and safety initiatives created to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will still be in effect, including the university’s freezer farm, which stores vaccine doses that are to be distributed around Southern Arizona through the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Mobile Health Unit program.
“Through the POD, we have provided a critical service for our community that exemplifies our land-grant mission,” said Robbins. “The immense success of this initiative is due to the hard work, expertise and dedication of hundreds of University faculty, staff and students, as well as volunteers and community partners.”
Those who have not yet been vaccinated can still receive a first dose at the POD before its closure on Friday and can receive their second dose at the Campus Health COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic beginning Thursday, July 8.
For more information regarding the Campus Health COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, visit health.arizona.edu/covidvaccine.
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