Former 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' producer Joss Whedon's film 'Serenity' will play at The Loft Cinema Friday night at 7. The film is a spin-off of his short-lived series 'Firefly.'
On the surface, the 2005 film “”Serenity”” and the cult TV series “”Buffy the Vampire Slayer”” might appear to have little in common. One might be summed up as a Western set in outer space, while the other is about, well, a vampire slayer.
But they both came out of the mind of producer, director, writer and all-around television auteur Joss Whedon, and this Saturday his fans will get a chance to enjoy his work on the big screen when “”Serenity”” and two classic “”Buffy”” episodes get a special showing at The Loft Cinema.
“”We’ve been wanting to do the Buffy thing for a while,”” said J.J. Giddings, operations director at The Loft.
“”So when we were contacted by the Arizona Browncoats [the local chapter of a group devoted to all things Whedon], it seemed like a good excuse to do it for the first time.””
“”Serenity,”” a feature-length spinoff of Whedon’s short-lived 2002 series “”Firefly,”” was a hit with critics but didn’t do so well at the box office. If you missed it during its short theatrical run last year, this is your chance to see what all the fuss was about.
Screenings of “”Serenity”” have been scheduled around the world this weekend, coinciding with Whedon’s birthday, to raise proceeds for the international women’s rights group Equality Now!
“”Buffy the Vampire Slayer,”” which ran from 1997 to 2003, was never a strong ratings winner but managed to last seven seasons on the strength of an enormous cult following.
Appropriately, the two episodes scheduled were both penned by Whedon: the Emmy-nominated “”Hush”” and the famous musical episode “”Once More, With Feeling.”” And yes, you can sing along.
“”We’ll be asking people at screenings what other episodes they’d like to see,”” Giddings said.
“”I have a feeling we’ll be doing this one again.””
“”I’m very excited,”” said Davida Larson, a journalism senior. “”I really like Joss Whedon’s strong female characters. It’s really cool that The Loft is having an event like this.””
If you’re looking for something to do before the movie starts, check out the Whedon trivia contest at Bookmans, 6230 E. Speedway Blvd., at 3 p.m., followed by a costume contest at 4 p.m.
“”The Best Damn Joss Whedon Double Feature Ever!”” kicks off with “”Serenity”” at The Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway Blvd, at 7 p.m and continues with “”Hush”” and “”Once More With Feeling”” at 10 p.m. Tickets are $10 for “”Serenity,”” $5 for the “”Buffy”” screening and $12 for both.