With the release of the iPhone 4S just around the corner and the announcement that Apple has sold 250 million iOS devices, Apple Inc. is unstoppable. Apple has completely revolutionized the way students operate and communicate in and out of the classroom. There are students walking on the UA Mall talking on their iPhone or sitting at the Student Union Memorial Center on their Macbook. Nowadays, most students have some type of Apple product in their possession, no matter if it’s pod or pad. With our generation it all started with the iPod, which led to the Macbook, and to the iPhone. In comparison to its competitors, Apple has set itself apart with its innovative and user-friendly designs.
It’s been almost a year and a half since the release of the first iPad. Many critics commented that the iPad was just “a big iTouch.” But today, the iPad is the top selling tablet in the world. Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung, Blackberry, HTC, Acer, Motorola, Vizio, Archos and View Sonic are a few companies that have all tried to imitate the now famous iPad. Although, Samsung has tried putting its own twist by making its tablet more compact for easy use and travel, these small variations have not been able to compete with the look and qualities of Apple. Apple remains dominant.
Last year, Android came out with Droid Incredible and at first glance you could easily mistake it for an iPhone. Again though, the iPhone still receives higher scores in customer satisfaction in comparison to their wannabe “knockoffs.”
In the field of computers however, there still the whole debate over Mac vs. PC. According to Hunch, PC still outnumbers Mac when it comes to users. It’s reported that 89.2 percent of respondents use PC while only 10.8 percent are using Mac. Researchers from Hunch concluded that a higher percentage of Mac users are college educated, which can explain the large number of Mac users on college campuses. From the study, Mac users are “22 percent more likely than PC users to be between the ages 18-34.” Although, PC dominates Mac in computer users, this may change due to Apple’s significant role as the trendsetter in technology for our younger tech-savvy generation.
Apple is “in” and our generation will continue to follow and purchase its products. The Apple worm has bitten many of us and, as an Apple user, it is difficult to picture myself using other products. What is it about Apple that makes it so appealing? Maybe it’s the fact that it is constantly changing and updating its products to benefit its users. In comparison to other companies, Apple seems to be habitually a step ahead of its competitors.
While it may have suffered the irreplaceable loss of Steve Jobs, Apple is here to stay and will continue to grow. Throughout the years, Apple has set itself apart as an iconic and hip brand. The world of personal electronic devices has been completely changed by Apple and the brand is inescapable. Apple is the future, ever changing, and has brought accessibility to our fingertips. Today, the iPhone 4S, tomorrow the iPhone 40.
— Jacquelyn Abad is a sophomore studying journalism and Spanish. She can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.