Defense attorney wrong to defend client
I am writing in response to Galareka Harrison as she is sentenced to life without parole (“”Harrison gets life without parole”” Nov. 26, 2008). It puzzles me why defense attorney John O’Brien would believe for a second that Harrison would receive parole. Harrison, first off, is a thief and a murderer. She absolutely does not deserve parole. While planning the murder of Mia Henderson, Harrison was fully aware of the consequences of committing this evil act. It’s plain and simple, if you murder someone you will go to jail. I believe neither the court nor I are sympathetic toward Harrison and her believing she had as much promise and future as anyone else. She does not have as much promise and future as anyone else; Harrison is a criminal. She knew doing this would ruin her future and flush all the future goals and aspirations she had down the toilet. Sentencing her to life in prison is a very appropriate action needed to make Tucson and the UA community a little safer.
On a second note, does defense attorney O’Brien really believe that stress led Harrison to commit such a crime? Give me a break! I completely agree with prosecutor Rick Unklesbay. It was not stress that led her to this crime. She had time and opportunities to let it go and move on, but instead Harrison decided to make an irrational decision which led to much grief and uneasiness. Harrison should just accept the consequences of her actions and own up to what she did.
Galareka Harrison did not only ruin her life when she committed this crime, she ruined the lives of the Henderson family and many people of the Tucson and UA community. I know at least for some of my friends and I, after hearing something as terrible as this, feel uncomfortable and disgusted that people like this exist. It makes many of us a little worried about the safety of the UA. It also makes one question the integrity and morality of people. I am in complete disgust and hope something like this never happens again.
Joseph Pelleritopre-pharmacy freshman
UA community needs to face global warming threat
With our globe in such a traumatic state it surprises me that the UA community is not panicked as expected. The critical fact of our world coming to an end is frightening. Although many do not believe that global warming is an issue, others are striving to change the way they live their lives and the way others live also. This semester I have been influenced by many professors to investigate what is actually happening to our wonderful planet Earth and how much of it can be stopped. It is unbelievable the amount of waste our globe uses, and more importantly, how much our country uses!
It is time to influence your peers and make a difference. We can start by the simple things: cut back on driving, lower your intake of consumer items and recycle! If our generation does not quickly realize the path in which our planet is heading, there will be no future for us or our children. It is time to stand up and participate in the new movement to going green!
Colleen Faulknercriminal justice freshman
UA should work to reduce harm of tuition hikes
The UA is proposing a tuition increase of at least $659 per student for the 2009-2010 school year. It is reasonable to expect increases in tuition since the UA is well below the average national tuition for major universities and it is needed to sustain the present infrastructure and to attract high quality teachers, students and research.
Although the tuition increase is moderate and badly needed, raising tuition indeterminable amounts every year or so makes it difficult for students and their families to plan their finances. In the last four years, tuition has risen about 35 percent in four years, and this increase would make it 53 percent in the last five years. With these rates of increase, a freshman can expect to pay nearly three-quarters of an extra year of tuition – nearly $4000 – in their four years at the UA. This can be a very large burden for families that are financially strapped, students paying for their college, families with multiple students and even those that planned their finances based on current tuition rates. The issue isn’t whether or not the university needs the extra support, it’s how to make it affordable for those already at, about to start at or planning to attend the UA.
University leaders need to take responsibility for projecting tuition increases and providing estimates of possible costs to prospective new students. There should also be a cap for the maximum cost for four years in order to let students and their families plan their finances. Another possibility is that families with multiple students could receive waivers on tuition hikes. The university should work with the other state universities and the state government to develop state-wide agreements addressing these issues. The university should also solicit ideas from the students.
Monique Spyakpsychology freshman