Blind Divine – 11 p.m.
Daniel Diaz of Blind Divine is also the owner of Sacred Machine Museum downtown, where many of his own creepy-cool illustrations line the walls. He and his wife Paula C. Valencia, Blind Divine’s vocalist, had a heavy hand in curating the Sacred Museum stage at Club Crawl. Wildlife spoke to Diaz about the Crawl earlier this week.
Are you excited about this year’s Club Crawl?
It’s definitely going to be something special. It’s going to be a really amazing experience and we’re currently working on a new album that we haven’t performed since January. We’re going to present some of our new material during this performance.
What is exciting about the other bands performing at Sacred Machine this weekend?
The first band that’s going to open up is going to be Philip Wade, who plays an eclectic style of guitar. He uses a lot of sound effects and creates these really beautiful soundscapes. I like the experimental aspect and the whole idea of making a guitar sound (with something) other than a guitar. That’s what we do a lot with Blind Divine.
The other act is King Bowser, and King Bowser is amazing because they are two musicians that create — literally creating music on the fly in real time and you just never know what you are going to get with them. They bring an arsenal of computers and effects, and it’s one of those experimental types of performances.
I see them not only as musicians, but also more like an art experience — visually and musically. Their music creates visuals for people. It was important for them to be involved in performing at Sacred Machine.
How long have you been participating in Club Crawl?
Blind Divine has been playing in Club Crawl for the last two or three years. We usually play at (Club) Congress.
How much does Blind Divine control the performances of the night?
I think it’s going to be amazing because we’re totally in control of the whole environment. It’s going to be a theater basically. We’re going to have lights and projections and fog.
If someone has never been to Club Crawl or to Sacred Machine, what should the audience expect from your performance?
They are definitely going to see and hear and experience something that’s definitely nowhere else in Tucson. It’s going to be a very theatrical kind of experience; it’s an interactive kind of thing. It’s going to be beautiful.
King Bowser – 8 p.m.
Andrew Sanchez is one half of the duo King Bowser, an electronic duo that relies heavily on improvisation. Sanchez met the owners of Sacred Machine Museum through shared friends in the Tucson music scene and, according to Blind Divine’s Daniel Diaz, fit right into the eclectic program that the Museum will host this weekend. Wildlife spoke to Sanchez about his plans for the laser-laden set.
Are you excited about this year’s Club Crawl lineup at Sacred Machine?
I met Daniel (Diaz) and Paula (C. Valencia) from Sacred Machine through my work. I started playing the 2nd Saturdays shows and I’ve been doing that for almost a year now. We did a Club Crawl show and basically they have the space, we’ve been working together a while and we did the last Club Crawl. And the thing about their place, in some way or another, we’re always trying to complement the art. Phil, who’s playing before us, I’ve known this guy for years and he sets the mood right, the somber, gothic aspects of Daniel’s work — and Daniel and Paula, of course, their music complements the art as well.
What should audience members expect from the show?
We promise laser beams. (Laughs). It’s going to be some crazy fun live electronic stuff, improv, crazy dance music. There’s lasers and projection and facemasks, karate punches … everything.
What’s the difference between the Sacred Machine show and all the other shows?
There’s nothing else like what we do at that place. It’s a far cry from the rest of it. If I was just going to that show, and it wasn’t me and it was cool, different shows, I would probably just go to that (Sacred Machine) show. I wouldn’t go to Club Crawl but I’d go to this one and it’s nice to attract a different type of crowd.
I’ve been involved in electronic music for a while, originally from the Detroit scene, and it’s really great that (Diaz and Valencia) want different types of music in the Tucson consciousness. There’s no one like them doing what they do and they’re on the start of something new here.