Melissa Krueger
Sports Editor
Just face it , it’s been a rough and possibly damaging summer for professional sports; take your pick from a dogfi ghting enthusiast doubling as a quarterback, an overweight home run “”king”” or a crooked and gambling referee. But instead of going into hiding until humanity in sports abounds once again, try basking in the non-controversial nature of Arizona sports.
Don’t get me wrong, there have been some rotten eggs here and there (See: Marcus Williams, Chris Rodgers, Shelly Schultz, etc.).
Then there are more recent issues, such as Louis Holmes causing trouble at the Pussycat Lounge in Scottsdale (which, shockingly, is not a strip club). Or the infamous DUIs and minorin-possessions – Daniel Dillon and Willie Tuitama may know how those work.
But in all the rubble and wreckage, sportsfans must find the good in all the bad.
Now, programs like football and men’s basketball are not the least controversial on campus, but at least they have some shred of dignity to hold onto.
Historically, Arizona athletics have been virtually scandal-free, the credit for which belongs to the people in charge.
Say what you will about men’s basketball
coach Lute Olson, but the man gives back every year when he hosts the annual CATwalk, which raises money for the Bobbi Olson Fund at the Arizona Cancer Center in memory of his late wife. His former players, who donated $50,000 to the same cause during halftime at the Lute Olson All-Star Classic Sunday, share that givingnature – need I mention Richard Jefferson?
If you’re still feeling down, just look at Mike Candrea and his eight softball national titles, or Frank Busch, the Pac ific 10 Conference Women’s Swimming Coach of the Year , both of whom are known not only for their coaching but also for their character.
And despite what society thinks about athletes as a whole, most UA student-athletes should make fans proud, especially with a combined 26 athletes roping in first- and secondteam Pac-10 All-Academic honors last year, somewhat of a testament to the impact of the C.A.T.S. Program for Student-Athletes.
So stay away from Sportscenter and its almost around-the-clock coverage of MichaelVick and try to forget about one of the many reasons the Suns lost in the playoffs.
Instead,take in a football game on a Saturday night ,go running with the cross country teams in
September or spend Thursday and Friday nightswith the volleyball team.