If a new semester has found you a new significant other, it’s the perfect time to take a break from the calculus homework to go see a movie with your new love. Single? You can take a break too and munch on popcorn by your lonesome.
If you haven’t been creeped out enough by your first round of tests, you have the opportunity for more scary visions with this movie. This prequel to “”The Silence of the Lambs”” promises to be a great thriller.
Another tear-inducing Eddie Murphy comedy is coming out today. The crying may be because of Mr. Murphy’s side-splitting jokes, or because you can’t stand the damn guy anymore.
The Last Sin Eater
Non-Christians take cover: this suspenseful film has a Christian tinge to it and looks to promote Christianity. If you read through the previous sentence without choking and cursing, then you might be interested in this film.
The Holiday
This is the perfect date movie for the weekend. If you’re paying for your date’s ticket, then you’ll only be set back around three bucks. If you’re hoping for some action afterwards, this flick might inspire it.
Children of Men
Does your date enjoy the ever-popular violence and brief nudity? If not, they’ll at least like the sci-fi plot about an infertile society that’s about to die out in the next hundred or so years. Plus, the movie is directed by the same guy who did “”ǝ tu Mama Tambien.”” Go see it at the cheap theaters.
-compiled by Patrick Valenzuela