Survive on a bike!
There was an oversight in the UA Survivor Guide on page 3 of Tuesday’s Wildcat that readers should know about. The guide stated, “”But getting to and from school can be a REAL issue unless you live close enough to walk.”” The article went on to talk “”gas prices”” and “”parking problems.””
I wanted Wildcat readers to be aware that there’s an invention that was created right around the time the UA was created … and it solves these problems. It’s called “”the bicycle.”” It has two wheels, is pretty fast on Tucson’s flat streets and doesn’t use one single drop of oil from non-democratic countries. Yes, it’s true that it was invented far away in Europe, but it’s available at “”bicycle stores”” all around the Old Pueblo! Not only that, biking is a LOT more fun than driving (I’ve done both and know)!
So I would encourage students, when they are trying to “”survive,”” to get on a bike; it’s a swift, inexpensive way of getting to campus that is good for our planet.
-Dana Eyde,ancillary staff,Disability Resource Center
Editor’s note: This letter is a response to an advertisement, not news content.