Elijah Bia
Old Main's front perspective on Aug. 10, 2020.
With the fall semester just around the corner, it’s important to keep in mind some of the significant dates that every Wildcat should know before going back to class in August. Here is a list of some of the most critical dates that students should know for the fall 2021 semester.
Classes begin — Aug. 23
Classes will start up for the fall semester during late August this year and will include a variety of modalities, including in-person instruction, Live Online and asynchronous iCourses. Be sure to stock up on necessary supplies for your classes as specified by the syllabi given to you by your professors.
Labor Day — Sept. 6
No classes will be held on Sept. 6 in observance of Labor Day.
First home football game — Sept. 11
Be sure to cheer on your Wildcat football team at Arizona Stadium as they take on San Diego State for their first home game of the season!
Honors Convocation — Oct. 8
Classes held between 3-5 p.m. on Oct. 8 will be cancelled due to Honors Convocation ceremonies, which will recognize students who have achieved excellence in their respective undergraduate programs for the previous academic year.
Family Weekend — Oct. 8-10
This long-standing tradition will continue during the weekend of Oct. 8-10. Family weekend is a time for parents to visit campus, learn Wildcat traditions and participate in activities and events across campus. Further details surrounding Family Weekend 2021 will be updated to the university website once the semester begins.
Homecoming — Nov. 6
Celebrate with the Wildcat alumni as the university celebrates the classes of 1970 and 1971 at Homecoming! More information regarding Homecoming can be found at the Arizona Alumni Association website.
Veterans Day — Nov. 11
No classes will be held on Nov. 11 in observance of Veterans Day.
Thanksgiving recess — Nov. 25-28
No classes will be held from Nov. 25 through Nov. 28 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Last day of classes and laboratory sessions — Dec. 8
The last day for any classes or labs before finals week.
Reading Day — Dec. 9
No classes or finals will be held — a nice day of rest before finals week!
Final exams — Dec. 10-16
Final exams for fall classes will be held the week of Dec. 10. Be sure to study hard so that you are prepared to succeed!
Degree award date for students completing by close of Fall Session — Dec. 17
Students completing their degree during the fall semester will be awarded their degrees on Dec. 17.
Winter Break — Dec. 17 to Jan. 12, 2022
Winter break for students between the end of fall 2021 and beginning of spring 2021 semesters.
Be sure to keep these critical dates in mind as the fall semester begins this August!