Dunkin’ Donuts cup with vodka gets man dunked in trouble
A man was seen standing between two parked vehicles in a parking lot south of Sixth Street by a University of Arizona Police Department officer on Thursday. When the man saw the officer’s vehicle, he set two objects down on the ground and walked away.
The officer drove into the lot and saw a Dunkin’ Donuts Styrofoam cup, filled with soda and vodka, as well as a bottle of SKYY Vodka that the man had set down. Another officer contacted the man and brought him to the patrol car. The man had watery, bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol coming from his mouth. The man admitted to the police that he had been drinking.
The man told police that his girlfriend had provided him with the alcohol. When UAPD contacted his girlfriend at a nearby bar, the man told them that he had actually taken the alcohol out of her vehicle without her knowledge. His girlfriend was of legal drinking age, but the man was cited and released for minor in possession.
Car window shattered, nothing taken
UAPD officers responded to a call about a car parked on campus that had its passenger window shattered. Nothing was taken from the vehicle, and the window was believed to have been broken sometime between 10 a.m. on Wednesday and 7:40 a.m. on Thursday.
UAPD arrived at the parking lot and an officer observed the passenger-side window of the car had been broken. The window was shattered on the ground, the glove compartment was open and papers were strewn across the front passenger seat. A black wallet containing a Paradise Bakery gift card and a ZonaZoo card from 2007 was found lying on the ground outside the vehicle.
The officer made contact with the driver of the vehicle, a woman who attends the UA, and she stated that she did not have anything of value taken from her car. She said that she would get in touch with UAPD after a class that she was currently in so that she could meet with the officer at the vehicle’s location.
The officer took the personal papers that had been pulled from the glove compartment and told the woman that they were now safely in UAPD possession.
Later that morning, the woman met with the officer at her vehicle. She confirmed that nothing was missing from her vehicle and the officer gave her back the papers that had been found near the glove compartment. She stated that she did not wish to pursue charges regarding the damage done to the vehicle.
Smoking (almost) masked the booze breath
A man was arrested for a driving under the influence of the slightest degree and for speeding on Thursday.
At 7:50 a.m. the driver was pulled over in an alleyway on campus that opens onto Campbell Avenue, after a UAPD officer noticed he was traveling above the posted speed limit of 35 mph. A LIDAR speed gun confirmed the vehicle to be going 46 mph.
After the car pulled over, the officer made contact with the driver who had a freshly lit cigarette sitting in the center console of the car. The officer could also detect a possible odor of alcohol, but could not be sure because of the cigarette smoke. The driver gave the officer his insurance and registration, but stated that he left his license in a different pair of pants.
A records check showed that the driver had a license that was suspended. The officer had the man exit the vehicle. As he talked to him on the side of the road, the officer noticed that the man had red, watery eyes. The officer asked him if he had been drinking, to which he replied, “”No.””
At this point the man was no longer smoking and the officer could detect a strong odor of alcohol coming from his breath. The officer then initiated a DUI investigation. He conducted three field sobriety tests.
The officer placed the man under arrest for DUI of the slightest degree at 8:41 a.m. He was transported to the UAPD main station for a breath test, which the man agreed to take. The results of the breath test showed that the man had a BAC of .131 on the first test and .143 on the second.
The man was cited, his vehicle was impounded and he was released to a cab.
Trespasser sent to jail
A man was arrested for trespassing on UA grounds and booked into jail on Thursday.
A UAPD officer first observed the trespasser walking through a parking lot near Sixth Street and Park Avenue on campus. The man stopped to look at two cars before exiting the lot. An officer recognized the man from a previous contact on Sept. 8, when he was issued an exclusionary order.
The man was arrested for criminal trespassing at 5:30 p.m. He told the officers he was aware of the fact that he had trespassed on UA property. The man was transported to Pima County Jail where he was booked.