Members of KAMP Student Radio will be able to represent the UA in the national College Bowl trivia tournament after receiving funding from a surprise donor.
Jane McCollum, general manager of the Marshall Foundation, said the $3,000 donation was made after members of the foundation read about the team’s lack of funding in the Arizona Daily Wildcat and decided it would be an easy and legitimate cause to support.
“”One of the Marshall Foundation’s goals is to support education and support the UA,”” McCollum said. “”It seemed like such a small amount of money, it was within our mission and it was easy for us to do.””
After winning the regional competition in the game show, team members were surprised to learn the University Activities Board did not have the necessary funds to send the team to the national competition in Hartford, Conn.
Team member Elliot Magruder, a political science senior, said as soon as he found out his team didn’t have the funding to travel, he started e-mailing different organizations like the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and the regional division of the College Bowl to get a sponsor.
Magruder and the other team members were excited when the Marshall Foundation called to ask if they still needed a donation to be able to afford the travel expenses.
McCollum said she and many other members of the Marshall Foundation grew up in an
We are extremely grateful because (the Marshall Foundation) recognized our hard work and they were willing to recognize us.
atmosphere where the College Bowl – begun in 1953 as a radio show on NBC – was an exciting and entertaining part of their childhood, which contributed to their desire to help the UA team.
“”I grew up when the College Bowl was televised every week,”” McCollum said. “”It was something that was part of our lives.””
Team member Ingrid Lindstrom, a senior majoring in ecology and evolutionary biology and British literature, said since the team learned of the funding, members have started avidly preparing for the competition by studying almanacs, reviewing past trivia questions and quizzing one another.
“”We’ve been in study mode and we’re really pumped to go,”” Lindstrom said.
Team members said they felt that finding a sponsor would send a positive message to other UA clubs and organizations in addition to their own excitement about being able to represent the UA at a national level.
Lindstrom said it would have been discouraging for other clubs to see the UA College Bowl team unable to get funding after showing such persistence and good performance.
“”We are extremely grateful because (the Marshall Foundation) recognized our hard work and they were willing to reward us,”” Lindstrom said.
Magruder said although the Marshall Foundation’s willingness to fund the event was a huge relief, he couldn’t believe how difficult it had been to obtain the donation.
“”I wasn’t surpised (we got the funding),”” Magruder said. “”I’ll tell you I was surprised when they said they didn’t have money in the first place.””
Lindstrom said she and her teammates will be confident and grateful as they compete against 15 other teams April 20-21.
“”We were extremely lucky,”” Lindstrom said.