Letters to the editorTrigger happyFor those who despise illegal immigration and drug wars, take note: The facility with which Mexican drug cartels can now purchase firearms in this state fuels drug conflicts south of the border, which drives refuges north seeking asylum. It also escalates violence along the border; where else did the border-crossers find guns with which to shoot that southern Arizona rancher several days ago? Mexico? Entire Mexican towns have been depopulated as a result of these drug wars, and “”defending”” gun rights by making them easier to purchase and easier to hide merely exacerbates this problem. This radical and ideological defense of 2nd Amendment is disgusting.— Kevin KeysMath and linguistics seniorKFC comments disgusting Quote from The Daily Wildcat editorial policy: “”online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinions of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Daily Wildcat.””This kind of claim is outrageous, as choices for the mailbag obviously reflect upon not only the newspaper but also the university. By choosing opinions, you are giving this opinion grounds and a platform. The Daily Wildcat has a responsibility to uphold the standards of what kind of opinions they give platforms to. This particular opinion was a hate speech and a personal attack; it was outrageous, and I am truly appalled it appeared in the newspaper. It is obvious that this newspaper reaches the entire nation as we ourselves even publish editorial opinions from other schools. I do respect the right to express an opinion, but this was a hateful attack. My favorite included the claims that not liking KFC IS COMMUNISM and that “”liberal-ass”” california where they “”take so much pride in harboring illegal citizens,”” which he later refers to absolutely illegal. These are not opinions but serious attacks. It was disgusting.— Michael James Kolt