University Leadership Institute – Adventures in Academic Lingo. This lecture will talk about academic language and what different terms mean. 8:30-10:30 a.m. University Services building, Room 214
Film screening and panel presentation of “”Mom’s Apple Pie: The Heart of the Lesbian Mothers’ Custody Movement.”” This movie shows the stories of five lesbian mothers and their children. 7-9 p.m. Social and Behavioral Sciences Annex Room
John Hildebrand discusses choice and chance in career development. This is part of the UA ADVANCE career development lecture series. Noon to 1 p.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Sabino Room
Open dialogue with the provost. Come to this brown bag forum and ask the provost questions about his job. Noon to 1 p.m. Kiva Room, Student Union Memorial Center
“”Mind Bugs”” – Mahzarin Banaji speaks on the psychology of ordinary prejudice. Banaji has been researching unconscious mental processes, and will give a speech on them. 4-5 p.m. Education building, Room 211