Spending the money approved last week is on ASUA’s agenda for this week.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona convene for their second meeting tonight to discuss funding for several different departments on campus.
A funds request is being made by the senate for money to complete a Residence Hall-wide initiative to let more on-campus students know about ASUA programs and services.
Sen. Chad Travis’ residence hall poster displays had already been sent to print at the last meeting and now need final approval.
Also to be approved is money for the Deutscher Studenten Club and for the National Pan-Hellenic Council.
The Deutscher Studenten Club allows students to utilize German in their everyday lives and has requested money for a student World Cup-esque tournament. Despite asking for over $3,500, only $1,253 was allocated for the event’s field and security rental yesterday, as noted on the ASUA Appropriations Board consent agenda.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council, the African-American Greek Life’s governing student body, is also requesting money from the ASUA reserves to help fund their “”Intake Equation”” to cover costs of speakers. This was tabled until tomorrow’s meeting due to the lack of representatives present for the appropriation confirmation on Monday.
Both appropriation votes were unanimous.
Reorganization within ASUA, including collaborative efforts with campus groups such as the University Activities Board and the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, will also be up for discussion, according to ASUA President Emily Fritze.