A view of the line-up of student booths at Spring Fling April 8 on the UA Mall. Student clubs and other groups are subject to several rules and fines for compliance with Spring Fling operations.
1. First club at The University of Arizona – Ramblers Hiking Club
Ramblers is the oldest club on campus since 1946, according to their website. They focus on conducting or helping to plan hiking trips around Arizona, including New Mexico, Utah and California. The group also differentiates hikes by elevation and difficulty level. Club members can also enjoy camping, cliff jumping, photography and other outdoor activities. No experience needed. For more information, visit their website or Facebook page. Interested students can also email ramblers@list.arizona.edu.
2. Two Greek organizations for LGBTQ+ students – Delta Lambda Phi and Gamma Rho Lambda
UA has dozens of Greek organizations, and while all of them accept LGBTQ+ students, two of these organizations were specifically founded by and for LGBTQ+ students. Delta Lambda Phi is a social fraternity for gay, bisexual, transgender and progressive men. Gamma Rho Lambda is a social sorority that welcomes LGBTQ+ women and allies.
3. Three types of club sports – men, women and co-ed clubs
UA currently has 29 active student sports clubs with approximately 1,000 students. They have a variety of choices, such as archery, badminton, cheerleading, soccer, quidditch and water polo. There are intramural sports as well. Activities generally take place at the UA Campus Recreation Center. For more information, visit their website.
4. Four dance clubs – Wildcat Dancesport, Mambology, Ritmos Latinos and Tango Club
UA has four dance clubs that welcome any student, but all have different styles of dance they focus on. Wildcat Dancesport is the UA official ballroom dance team. It is designed for competitive and professional dancers. Mambology, Ritmos Latinos and Tango Club are casual student dance clubs. Each focuses on mambo, rueda de casino salsa and Argentine tango, respectively. No partner or experience needed for these three clubs.
5. Interest in Medieval Era? – Phi Alpha Theta and Fencing club
If you love history, Phi Alpha Theta is an option. They are a society at UA who promote historical research and publication through intellectual and social exchange of ideas in bi-weekly meetings. PAT is also creating a History Club this year. All UA students are welcome regardless of a major. For more information, visit their website or Facebook page. And you love Medieval and sports, consider Wildcat Fencing Club at Campus Rec. Students and adults in the club learn traditional European swordsmanship.
6. Harmony, love and careing – Wildcats CARE
Did you know six represents harmony and love in numerology? And what club could embody that more than one that literally is known as Wildcats CARE? Wildcats Committed to Animal Rescue and Education is a UA student-led club to support homeless and abused animals through various ways in the Tucson community. Animals supported by Wildcats CARE are not limited to dogs and cats, and have also consisted of goats, horses and capybaras.
7. Lucky like a Shooting Star – Astronomy Club
UA is famous for its astronomical discoveries. The Astronomy Club welcomes all majors, not just people pursuing astronomy as their career. The club provides opportunities for astronomical projects and studies with visiting astronomers, trips and other activities. They also host free public star parties at the Sabino Canyon Visitor Center every month. For more information, visit their website, check out their Facebook page, or email uaastroclub@gmail.com.
8. Coordinate a fashion show – TREND Fashion Club
TREND Fashion Club is a business club catering to students interested the fashion industry. Their official blog discusses fashion trends and their activities throughout the semester. They have hosted UA Fashion Week for the past three years in the spring semester. and have also participated in off-campus fashion events like Tucson Fashion Week and “Fashion Rocks” at the Musical Instrument Museum. TREND is also known for previous partnerships with various stores such as Buffalo Exchange and Macy’s.
9. Nine years of mastering public speaking – UA Toastmasters
Some say public speaking is the most frightening thing in the world. UA Toastmasters have a weekly meeting to help members improve their public speaking stills and leadership. It is open to all Wildcats, including students and faculty. If you want to build confidence, this is where you should take a look.
10. 10th anniversary – Arizona Esports
Do you love games? Then consider playing games with fellow UA students and making friends. Founded in 2009, Arizona Esports have played and participated in collegiate tournaments for various games like League of Legends, Dota 2 and Super Smash Bros. They also hold weekly events. For more information, visit their Facebook page, check out their Discord channel, or email uofaesports@gmail.com.
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