At the age of 15 Lucille Ball was said to be “”too quiet and shy”” and therefore was thrown out of the New York Robert Minton-John Murray Anderson School of Drama.
Maisie Wilmar-Brown, the wardrobe mistress for the Agatha Christie play “”The Mousetrap,”” had to iron more than 36 miles of shirts.
Sylvester Stallone used to sweep lion cages at New York City’s Central Park Zoo.
Rain drops are actually rounded at the top and flat on the bottom, not teardrop-shaped.
It takes seven billion particles of fog to fill a teaspoon.
Men tend to get hiccups more often than women do.
Vinegar will melt pearls.
The billionth decimal digit of pi is nine.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa officially weighed 14,486 tons in 1908. In 1973 it officially weighed 14,200 tons.
The swine flu vaccine of 1976 caused more deaths than the illness it was intended to prevent.
The word “”pixel”” is a contraction of “”picture elements”” or “”picture cell.””
Egyptian brewers invented the straw to taste beer without removing the fermenting ingredients that floated on the top of a glass.
The average computer user blinks more than seven times a minute.
The compact disc is read from the inside to the outside, where records are read from the outside to the inside.
After you rub your eyes, the spots of light you see are called phosphenes.
Only 25 percent of babies are born the day the doctor or midwife originally predicts.