Pro-vegan story encourages healthy, considerate eating
In response to your article “”Vegan eating good for body, Earth”” (Nov. 18, 2009), it was wonderful to see that Lovin’ Spoonfuls keeps serving up delicious vegan cuisine in Tucson. With more and more people becoming educated about the ways that animals suffer when raised and killed for food, there is an increasing demand for delicious and cruelty-free meals. In fact, a recent study by Aramark, a leading food-service provider, concluded that nearly a quarter of college students are actively seeking out vegan options when they sit down to eat, for reasons ranging from their own health to environmental concerns — and of course, because of cruelty to animals.
Students are understandably horrified when they discover that chickens on factory farms often have their beaks cut off with blades or that many cows and pigs are skinned and dismembered while they’re still conscious. If these kinds of abuses were inflicted upon cats or dogs, it could result in felony cruelty-to-animals charges.
Thankfully, with grocery stores and dining halls now carrying a variety of meat-free products, including veggie barbecue riblets and vegan pizza, it’s never been easier to cut cruelty out of your diet for good.
Ryan Huling
Senior college campaign coordinator for peta2
President Shelton’s State of the University address should be geared towards students
Today, President Shelton will be giving his 2009 State of the University Address.
The address will be available on the Internet and on three television channels. Students can watch the address on the Internet, either live or after the fact, but if someone wanted to actually attend the luncheon-preceded address they’d have to pay $35 dollars a person to have a seat in the Student Union Memorial’s Grand Ballroom.
While the expensive tickets probably pay for more than just the plate of food the attendees will be getting, that’s beside the point. The university is going through difficult financial times right now and the last thing we need to spend money on is coordinating a luncheon.
If the address was really meant for the student body it would not cost so much money to attend, there wouldn’t be a fancy luncheon — President Shelton would be at the end of the mall, in front of Old Main and on a microphone.
Yes, the address should be televised. Yes, it should be available on the Internet. No, it should not constitute an expensive luncheon whose price immediately excludes the majority of the student body. The address is supposed to be about us, our university, the students!
Sara Wolfe
Creative writing senior