Crossword proves ‘too hard,’ damaging to self-esteem
This letter is in response to your terrible crossword puzzles. They are too hard. I have been struggling for four long years and failed to complete even one. They are simply impossible. Just because everyone who works at the Wildcat is a crossword puzzle expert, does not mean they should force these crosswords onto the public. I have done other crosswords in activity books that are not nearly as hard. It is very damaging to my fragile ego to be unable to enjoy the crossword puzzles. I am sure my fellow students feel the same way. Please adjust your paper accordingly for the good of the school.
Kevin Millerbiosystems engineering senior
High fructose corn syrup offers many benefits
The Sept. 3 article “”Staying healthy, staying smart in day-to-day routine,”” may mislead consumers about high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup, sugar and several fruit juices all contain the same simple sugars. New research continues to confirm that high fructose corn syrup is no different from other sweeteners. It has the same number of calories as sugar and is handled similarly by the body. In 1983, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration formally listed HFCS as safe for use in food and reaffirmed that decision in 1996. High fructose corn syrup offers numerous benefits, too. It keeps foods fresh. It enhances fruit and spice flavors. It retains moisture in bran cereals and helps keep breakfast bars moist. Consumers can see the latest research and learn more about high fructose corn syrup at and
Audrae EricksonCorn Refiners Association president