What is your first impression of the UA campus?
“Huge. I could get lost easily but they help you out with the maps and everything, so it’s good.”
— Irving Duran, pre-physiology freshman
“It’s really hot, literally speaking and figuratively. It’s really cool here.”
— Therea Begay, a freshman studying pre-neuroscience and cognitive science
“It is a really pretty campus and it is really, really hot here.”
— Danielle Martinez, pre-nursing freshman
“I thought it was really nice and really wide open with lots of places to go. That’s kind of why I really liked it here, its nice temperature nearly year round.”
— Alexander Schaller, undeclared freshman
“My first impression of the UA was that it was really big and it was really nice and I liked how practically everything is red. And everyone is nice here and I met a lot of really cool people today.”
— Cassandra Jolson, pre-veterinary science freshman