Community must work to stop sexual assault
The news of Wednesday’s sexual assault in Coronado Residence Hall saddens us as a community. We may feel angry, anxious or even numb about what happened, and it may prompt us to think of ways to make our university community safer. While details are still under investigation, it is important that we support one another as we process what has occurred.
Several resources are available to assist community members working through trauma. The OASIS Program for Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence (626-2051) is available to provide counseling, consultation and advocacy for students, faculty and staff affected by sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking. Counseling & Psychological Services (621-3334) is another resource that offers counseling services for students.
Self-defense courses are also available to women of the university community. The Women’s Resource Center and the Oasis Program offer free Rape Aggression Defense training to women during both the fall and spring semesters. The next RAD self-defense training is Nov. 8-9; please contact the Women’s Resource Center at 621-3919 for more information.
While we know most men do not perpetrate or condone violence against women, all men share in the responsibility of taking an active role in stopping sexual assault. Men Against Violence is a student-led group working to end violence against women, and membership is open to any individual who is committed to confronting gender-role stereotypes and eradicating such violence. MAV’s next meeting is on Oct. 13 at 5:30 pm in the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership classroom.
As we sort through our emotions over the coming days and weeks, it is important to remember that we are not alone. There are resources available on campus for responding to and preventing further acts of violence. Together we can begin the healing process and work toward solutions that create a safe environment for all members of the UA community.
Erin L. Good
Violence prevention specialist
OASIS Program for Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence
Book series sends bad message to youth
“”Twilight,”” to put it bluntly, is not romantic (“”Twilight’s cult following rightfully won,”” Oct. 8, 2008). Edward is abusive, controlling and downright creepy. He stalks Bella, breaks into her house, watches her while she sleeps without her knowing. He takes out her engine to make sure that she doesn’t leave to go see a friend of hers that he doesn’t approve of. And to top it all off Bella is incredibly codependent on this negative relationship.
It’s one thing for college-aged women to read this and crack it up to fantasy and have it be a mind-numbing escape, but is this the kind of message we want to be sending to the 15-year-old girls who are now out there desperately waiting for their Edward? I don’t think so.
Elizabeth Demar
family studies and human development senior
Thoughts on Palin’s VP credentials
It seems to me that Sarah Palin is more qualified to be vice president because she wants creationism taught in public schools and she doesn’t believe global warming is manmade. But she’d like to point out the fact that she wears glasses – and that’s not something dumb people generally do. Palin is authorized to deploy Alaska’s National Guard in times of emergency. And while the Guard’s adjunct general admits that she plays no role in national defense, and isn’t briefed on military exercises, the fact is she’s been photographed holding a machine gun. Also, she was more qualified to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office than any Republican on earth.
Astagini Amalia
Center for English as a Second Language freshman
Library coffee incident shows lack of respect
Heads up, UA library users! This morning I had an unpleasant encounter with a man in the library who should be ashamed if he is a Wildcat. I had just arrived in the ILC with my fresh cup of coffee and needed to use the restroom. I put it down next to the computer and left. I admit I didn’t place my name on it. A few minutes later I watched as a man uncapped the lid and poured my coffee into his thermos.
My impression was perhaps that he was homeless and I should give him a break. His backpack and thermos didn’t look cheap or beaten. “”You know that was my coffee?”” I asked. He said arrogantly, “”I didn’t know.”” He then walked away. I shouted after him, “”Of course you didn’t, you didn’t buy it!”” My issue is not the $3 cup of coffee; it was the disrespect. He didn’t even say “”I’m sorry”” or fake embarrassment. He rolled his eyes at me! Did he not expect me to get mad? I felt like hitting him but with our legal system I’d have to take anger management! Were the backpack and thermos even his?
I’ve witnessed homelessness and despair in my immediate family. I know what desperation does to people. I also know that someone can be desperate but still have pride. I don’t care who you are or what you’ve been through. I welcome you to take advantage of my school library but only if you pay respect to your fellow humans while you’re here. That coffee meant nothing compared to the disappointment. Where is our generation going in this world? When did it become unmanly to apologize? When did it become “”awkward”” to walk right up and be direct and serious with people? Why are we letting people get away with things simply because of labels? He left pretty quickly. If I ever see him again in there it will get very loud and “”awkward.”” People, please have compassion. Please have pride. Please have brains. Please remember you can fill out an absentee ballot while drinking your beer. I did.
Brian Mori
journalism senior