Prop. 300: “”Public program eligibility”” – Vote NO
The proposition aims to make it impossible for Arizona students without immigration papers to qualify for in-state tuition at Arizona community colleges and universities.
This legislation targets students who have already overcome considerable obstacles to graduate from Arizona’s high schools and have succeeded enough academically to deserve spots at Arizona’s universities and community colleges. They are ineligible for most financial aid and scholarships.
For the son or daughter of an illegal immigrant, an increase in cost of several thousand dollars will put the dream of a college education forever out of reach and deny the U.S. a productive, educated resident, who – like it or not – is already here.
These students have been contributing to Arizona’s tax coffers regardless of whether or not their parents are. U.S. citizens who are either unemployed or the dependants of unemployed parents – and thus not contributing income tax – are not denied in-state tuition rates. So, why target these students? Vote “”no”” on Prop. 300.
Prop. 202: “”Raise the Minimum Wage for Working Arizonans Act”” – Vote NO
On the surface, a “”yes”” vote on Proposition 202 seems like a great idea. What better way to help working Arizonans than to raise the minimum wage? But in reality, passing this proposition would harm Arizona’s economy, and as a result, its most economically vulnerable citizens. Companies are constantly in search of the lowest-cost producers and Arizona competes with the rest of the country for jobs. When companies have to pay Arizonans more than they pay anyone else, those companies will begin to look elsewhere.
Its passage will only benefit one group of people: those who still have minimum wage jobs after the proposition takes effect – the lucky ones who don’t lose jobs to illegal workers or to a company that moves to Utah.
And what about the poorest Arizonans, the ones this bill supposedly rallies for? They couldn’t get jobs even at today’s minimum wage rate, and after the bill they would find it even harder to find employment. The proposition may pass because its negative side is a subtle one. It’s not as simple as being anti-smoking or pro-conservation. But it would be a mistake to let it pass. Voters should stick to the principles of economics and consider the well-being of the state and its citizens. Vote “”no”” on Prop. 202.
Prop. 107: “”Protect Marriage Arizona”” – Vote NO
Proposition 107 would amend the state Constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman and prohibit the state from recognizing domestic partnerships. The issue of gay marriage has already been through Arizona courts: It’s not legal here, and this bill wouldn’t change that.
What the bill would do is prohibit state government employers from recognizing domestic partner unions. This prohibition is a distinctly different issue from homosexual unions, and this attempt to lump the two together to form a bill looks like an effort to pander to hot-button political issues while implementing more wide-reaching reforms.
If the proposition passes, the UA, along with the city of Tucson, will be unable to continue to offer benefits to the domestic partners of its employees – whether straight or gay. The UA already has a tough time recruiting top-notch faculty due to obstacles like low salaries, and if the state prohibits the university from recognizing domestic partner benefits, we will just be adding to the list. Children’s health benefits could be at risk, as well as the effective prosecution of domestic abuse. This bill is about much more than the definition of marriage. Arizona can do better.
Prop. 103: “”English as Official Language”” – Vote NO
The ballot measure would amend the Arizona Constitution to instate English as Arizona’s official language, which would make English the only language of voting ballots, public schools and government functions.
This proposition is an outgrowth of a popular phobia that immigrants are rejecting English en masse. With each new wave of immigration, nativists have bemoaned the supposedly imminent demise of English. It hasn’t happened yet, and it’s highly unlikely that English is going to be destroyed as a language now. English acquisition rates among Hispanic immigrants – clearly the group at whom this measure is targeted – are at least equal to if not higher than those among immigrants from other areas. And among all immigrants, learning English remains as important as ever – in nearly all immigrant families, English is the dominant language by the second generation.
English is already the de facto language of commerce and education in our state, and not knowing English is already harmful for those who don’t speak it. Besides, this bill won’t do anything to help non-English speakers: It allocates no funding for English education. This proposition is needless showboating; give it a “”no”” vote.