Wednesday, Nov. 18
“”Ockham’s Razor.”” No, it’s not a philosophy lecture, it’s a locally made film with a Tucson-based cast. Features a Q&A session with the director following the screening. 7 p.m. The Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. $7 general admission, $5 for students and Loft members. The Fray. We hear this band has sold a few records; maybe you’ve even heard of them. Anyway, they were kind enough to come all the way from Denver, Colo., so you might as well check them out, if only to be nice. According to uapresents.org, tickets are all sold out — so if you bought one, you’d better not forget to go. The Fray is going to feel awfully silly if they see any empty seats in the audience. 8 p.m. Centennial Hall. Thao With The Get Down Stay Down. No, seriously, that’s what they’re called. This Kill Rock Stars band — no, seriously, that’s the name of the record label — has been likened to the sweet, sinister sounds of Cat Power and Beth Orton. With The Portland Cello Project and David Schultz. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Plush, 340 E. Sixth St. $10.
Thursday, Nov. 19
The 2009 Sundance Shorts. The very best animated and live-action short films from this year’s Sundance Film Festival, featuring penguins, omelettes and self-storage units. It ought to be a refreshing change of pace from all those other Loft movies, which tend to be either critically acclaimed French movies with no point or Korean movies about vampires. 7:30 p.m. The Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. $6. Bilingual poetry reading. The phrase “”poetry reading”” may inspire images of stuffy bookstore nooks full of scarf-wearing, coffee-sipping intellectuals, or screaming spitting versions of verbalized angst. But this dual language reading from the work of Lila Zimborain, as translated by Rosa Alcalá and Mónica de la Torre, tries to reach out to more than just the usual coffeehouse crowd. Selections from the collection “”Mauve Sea-Orchids”” will be read in Spanish and English, and blend the language of the scientific with the poetic. Oh, and don’t forget to wear your scarf. 8 p.m. Poetry Center, 1508 E Helen St. Free.
Friday, Nov. 20
Milton Marathon. Ever read “”Paradise Lost,”” John Milton’s epic tale of Satan’s cosmic battle against God? No? Well, here’s your chance to have it read to you, or even join in the fun; the goal is to read all 11,000 lines by the end of the night. We won’t give away the ending, but don’t bet on Satan to win. For some inexplicable reason, that guy always has lousy luck. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. UA Library Special Collections. Free and open to the public. “”Breaking Away.”” This 1979 coming-of-age movie ranked at No. 8 on the American Film Institute’s list of the 100 most inspiring movies of the last century. Personally, we’re still irked that “”She’s All That”” was a no-show. 7:30 p.m. Fox Tucson Theatre, 17 W. Congress St. $6-$8.
Saturday, Nov. 21
UA Press 50th Anniversary Book Sale. Note that it’s a sale of all books, not just “”50th anniversary”” books. Now that’d be a disappointing book sale. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. UA Press, 355 S. Euclid Ave. The Hounds. This band is said to be influenced by acts as diverse as Muddy Waters and Sublime. Which is a little like saying you’re influenced by rules as diverse as the injunction against murder and that little tag that warns you not to remove it from your pillow. Doors open at 9 p.m. Plush, 340 E. Sixth St. $5.
Sunday, Nov. 22
Tori Sparks. This singer’s been compared to Neil Young, Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen. For someone who isn’t a raspy-voiced old man, that’s quite an achievement. With The Kate Becker Project and The Sugar Thieves. 21+ 7 p.m. Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. $5 in advance; $7 day of show. Hank Topless. We’ll spare you the usual predictable joke about how this singer-songwriter doesn’t perform topless. Oh, wait. 9:30 p.m. Plush, 340 E. Sixth St. No cover.
Monday, Nov. 23
Salsa for Veterans. Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts are invited to participate in a free introductory salsa class every Monday in November. That’s salsa as in dance, not salsa as in something you add to your quesadilla. Though that sure sounds good right now, doesn’t it? 6 p.m. Arizona Ballet Theatre, 2512 E. Sixth St. Free. “”Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup.”” Yet another documentary that posits the highly believable proposition that George W. Bush was the craftiest, most clever world leader of all time. 7 p.m. Crossroads 6 Grand Cinemas, 4811 E. Grant Road. $3.
Tuesday, Nov. 24
Running Hot. This obscurely-named Rolling Stones tribute band — presumably named after a phrase in the 1981 Stones classic “”Start Me Up”” — will be playing with Audacia, Sinphonics and Gaza Strip. Wouldn’t it be funny if the restrooms happened to run out of hot water that night? Well, maybe not “”ha-ha”” funny. More “”ironic.”” 21+. 8 p.m. Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. $5. Roll Acosta. Only an indie singer-songwriter could get away with being named “”Roll.”” I mean, really. What’s he going to name the kids, “”Knife”” and “”Fork””? 21+ 9:30 p.m. Plush, 340 E. Sixth St. No cover. — compiled by Justyn Dillingham