Anti-ASU points off target
I enjoyed the article (Tom Knauer’s “”A few reasons to hate ASU athletics,”” July 25), (it) was comical to me but (I) wanted to point out a few discrepancies in the article.
First of all, putting some P.O.S. loser like Loren Wade in the same class (as) Barry Bonds (soon to be the greatest home run hitter), “”Mr. October”” Reggie Jackson, and (three-)time major winner Phil Mickelson is just nieve (sic). Think you may have forgotten to put Pat Tillman in there, eh???
Second of all, you’re a liberal, and probably should be at CU or Berkeley but probably couldn’t get admitted. Fight the indoctrination you receive down there, wake up and at least be in the middle not left or right. Then again being left may be the only way to land a job these days in your field.
Bragging about first-round exits in the NCAA (Tournament) with an aging coach who’s lost reality isn’t really productive either. Pretty sad that the only sport your (sic) average in (men’s hoops) will be soon worse then a 2-16 ASU team, that has to be pretty scary.
Next, who gives a rat’s ass about a softball game?
Finally, its called football and actually they (sic) way DUI-tama brains were scrambled (it) was probably best to leave him in the game. Coach Stoopid should have shut Willie down for the year. What with his (two) other concussions suffered during the year.
Anyways your football team sucks. Good luck with another 3-9 season. You only wish you had Koetter coaching you. I mean 7-5 seasons and crappy Hawaii bowls would be a dream to y’all down in Tucson. ASU has bigger fish to catch like USC, Cal, and Oregon you know contenders. Oh yeah must suck to have the opponents running their mouths in your crib. (You) probably don’t remember this but in ’96 after a 56-14 butt kicking, we tore down your goal posts.
Go Devils!!!
Anthony Trennert, ASU alumnus