Anna Woolridge, pre-business freshman
“I ran for senate because I got really interested in ASUA through freshman class council and I just really love that senators can make a direct impact on the student body.”
Emily Hastings, political science sophomore
“I ran for senate because I’ve been involved in ASUA for a while—I really support the senate reform.”
Allie Patberg, junior studying family studies and human development
“I ran for senate because I’m the current president of the Panhellenic Council—which is the governing body for 15 of the women’s sororities on campus—working as an advocate for all of those women, and because of that, I decided I would be a really great representative and advocate for the other 40,000 students on campus.”
Olivia Johnson, pre-nursing freshman
“I ran for senate after shadowing a a senator named Hailey Schwartz through the cubbie shadowing program. I really like the idea that in senate I can work with a lot of the clubs and on the rules and bi-laws of the school and that you’re the voice of the students and that with your platforms you can see the changes you want to make in the school.”
Stefan Schmietenknop, pre-business freshman
“I ran for senate because I wanted to get more involved in the University of Arizona and make a difference.”
Peter Marozzi, engineering freshman
“I am currently in the Freshman Class Council and I just thought for next year I really want to be involved, and senate seemed like the right way to both give back to the school and at the same time learn more about the ASUA and its programs.”
Allison Childress, political science junior
Danielle Ledezma, political science junior
“I wanted to run for senate because i really wanted to push myself and to make more of an impact, because i’m in blue chip and National collegiate leadership conference, so i’ve gained a lot of leadership experience that I feel I can really use to be a great senator.”
Runoff election candidates:
Matt Rein, political science freshman
“I ran for senate to get more involved within ASUA, because I think ASUA is an awesome organization and Ii think Ii can make a real difference here on campus with my platforms.”
Nohe Garcia, senior studying engineering management and mathematics
“I just felt like I could help out the student body, I have a couple platforms that I thought the student body could really benefit from and I want to be someone to help make those a reality.”
Atiana Waters and Trent Waller could not be reached at the time of press.
Follow Chastity Laskey on Twitter.