Main number: 1983 – 1984
- Lute Olson’s first year at Arizona
- The last time the Arizona men’s basketball team lost three consecutive Pac-10 games
- The last time they lost four out of five games
- Steve Kerr’s freshman year
- Michael Jordan’s rookie season
- Song of the year: “”Always on My Mind”” performed by Willie Nelson
More numbers
0.97 Arizona Icecats goalies’ save percentage in two wins over Scranton this weekend
3 UA teams who lost to UCLA this weekend (men’s and women’s basketball, and gymnastics)
5:38 Pacific-time Time of the men’s basketball team flight on United Airlines. The team closed the locker room to the media in order to catch the flight following the UCLA game, which started at 1 p.m.
26 The amount of 3-pointers the women’s basketball team attempted, a season high
27 Days between games for the football team,, who doesn’t play from Nov. 4 until Dec. 1 next season
Trivia Question: Which two guards started ahead of Steve Kerr during the 1983-84 season
Michael Tait and Brock Brunkhorst