Midfielder Alec Moen has been a big influence for the 8-3 Arizona men’s lacrosse team this season. After briefly playing Division II baseball in Pennsylvania his freshman year, Moen transferred to Arizona, where he has become a leader to three of the team’s freshman this season: Mason DePaola, Greg Scholz and Seamus Hughes. Moen and the three freshmen recently sat down with the Daily Wildcat to discuss coming to the UA, being a leader and what is ahead for the team.
Daily Wildcat: What was your experience transferring to the UA like?
Alec Moen: When I transferred over here, I didn’t play the first year. I hadn’t played lacrosse in so long and I missed it, so that second year, I came back out and played hard. It’s been a ride. Coach [Matt] Blamey came in last year, and I ended up breaking my ankle, which was a catastrophe. And then with a new system, we ended up going something like 2-9.
DW: How did you prepare to come back this season?
AM: I actually took the fall off to finish my surgery and rehab back home. I wasn’t sure coming in how I was going to play, how the team was or who the guys were. It was a lot of unknowns coming into this season. To be able to come in and see those guys produce and have the chemistry and mojo that we have right now, it’s been great.
DW: How has Alec stepped up as a leader this season?
Mason DePaola: I feel he stepped up and helped us progress as an offense and really was a key factor for all three of us. We’ve each given support to each other to keep going throughout the season.
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DW: What has the learning curve been like for the freshmen this season? How have you helped them adjust?
AM: They didn’t really start scoring until the last three or four games. It’s just keeping them calm and making sure they run the offense. I think that’s my biggest role: making sure we run our right sets.

DW: What do you guys want to improve on the rest of this season?
Greg Scholz: Just probably running our systems, getting closer to everybody and working as a team.
MD: I would agree with Greg. Just continuing to progress and get better as a team and continue to grow the chemistry between all of us.
Seamus Hughes: We’re gonna lose a lot of good seniors this year and have a lot of gaps to fill. I think as long as everyone plays their part and gets better and picks up a leadership role that they need to, then we’ll be alright.
DW: What do you think your lasting legacy will be?
AM: It’s hard to tell what it’s going to be. I have a few ideas of what I hope it would be, but I guess we’re just the first group that’s kind of turned it around with coach Blamey. Hopefully we’ll be remembered as the guys who kind of stuck around and really grinded it out these last few years. Really the team that kind of turned it around and got the program heading in the right direction.
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